Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Calla Lily pov

We stayed in the game room for the whole day. I made everyone stop playing for a bit so we could eat. But they all ate quickly and ran back down to the basement. I could barely get everyone out to go to sleep.

“But Calla Lily we're not done playing yet.”

“I don't care Elm it is time for bed. And if you all don't go upstairs right now, tomorrow you can't come back and play some more.”

“Good night Calla Lily” and there they go running upstairs. I wonder what Father is doing if I should find him or just clean the house. What if he has something he needs for me to do, I had better going and find him.

I walk around the bottom floor of the house and I only see Cruis and Prometheus outside walking around the outside of the house. So I go to the second floor and stop by the kids room and see everyone in bed and the lights off already. Who would have guessed the best way to wear them out is siting them in front of a TV for over 8 hours. I close the door and walk up to the third floor and see the boys room light is off. So I walk up to Father's door and knock.

“Who the hell is that I told you damn fucking boys to sleep while you can. And if you are not going to sleep then go guard the damn house.”

“I am sorry Father it is me. Everyone else is asleep and I want to know if you need anything from me?”

“I don't have time for you girl. Leave me be and do what you want I don't care.”

“As you wish Father.”

That was strange he must be very stressed out about this other pack. I do wish there was something else I could do to help Father. It might help a little if I clean the house up for him, that makes his day go a little easier most of the time.

I start in the basement, even though the children did not break anything they still made a mess. Some of it may have been from the boys but I do not remember what is looked like this morning. It is a good thing I did not let them bring food down here or this could have been a lot worst. I finished cleaning the game room about an hour later and move on to the kitchen which looks like the game room did but with food. The boys must have gone thorough here and eaten whatever they could find. And this is why Ash and I were the ones to cook the food, they have no idea what they were doing. There is food on the ceiling and the floor and all of the walls, but none of it in the sink. Cleaning the kitchen takes about 2 hours and by the time I am done my hands are red and about to start bleeding.

I find the first aid kit under the sink and put a burn cream on my hands and wrap them up. I walk thorough the rest of the house and just pick up things as I see them. But I can feel my hands start to bleed thorough the bandages so I wrap them again and go up to bed. I sleep in my old bed in the kids room, I don't want to try to sleep in Ash's room it just feels wrong somehow. I fall into bed and go to sleep the moment my head hits my pillow.

I open my eyes and see Rose Bud siting right in front of my face.

“Good Morning Calla Lily.”

“What do you want Rose Bud?”

“I am hungry and I want eggs.”

“So get Silver Bell to make you some.”

“No I want your eggs.”

“Alright, I am getting up hold on.”

“Yay I get eggs, I get eggs.”

“Rose Bud you are too loud for this time of day.”

“What time is that Calla Lily?”

“The time when I wake up that is what time.”

“OK I will wait down in the kitchen. But hurry I am hungry.”

“I am coming.” I lift my hands to my face and see that they didn't bleed anymore while I slept, but I do need to rewrap them. No one else is still in bed, so that means they are in the kitchen or game room in the basement, lets go see.

I can hear most of the kids as I walk down the stairs, but when I enter the kitchen I only see the girls eating.

“Yay yay eggs. Thank you Calla Lily.”

I cook Rose Bud eggs and ask about the boys.

“They all eat really quickly and went down to the basement to play games.”

“Ok that is fine. When did you all wake up?”

“Just after sunrise.”

“Oh why so early?”

“We all want to play and we were not tried so we all got up.”

“And I cooked breakfast for everyone and even some of the brothers came down.”

“Silver Bell you know you could have woken me up I would have helped.”

“We don't need you Calla Lily you can go do whatever you want.”

“Well fine then.” I finish cooking Rose Bud's eggs and then leave the kitchen.

How can she say they don't need me. They need Ash so why do they not need me. I am just as good as Ash, better even because I do not lie to them. They just don't want to see that I am better then her. I need some fresh air, I have been inside too long.

I decide to take a walk around the house, but I bump in to Epimetheus.

“What are you doing outside Calla Lily Father told you to stay inside.”

“Wrong Father told me to stay out of the way.”

“Same difference.”

“What are you doing out here Epimetheus?”

“That is none of your business. I am a part of the pack I do not have to answer to you.”

“Well fine then.” I turn and walk toward the wood.

“I would not do that if I were you.”

“And why not? It is just the woods, we all played in them just a few days ago.”

“Because idiot a few days ago we did not know there is a pack of werewolfs out there ready to eat you like they ate Ash.”

“Who said they ate Ash?”

“Father did.”

“Oh ok well I promise to be careful.”

“Ok have fun being eaten.”

That boy is very stupid, just like Father likes his boys stupid and obedient. I walk into the woods and I don't see any wolfs so I keep going. I keep walking deeper and deeper then I have ever gone. I do not care if there are wolfs let will eat me, I do not matter, Father made sure that he tells me that everyday. But if I die who will serve Father, Snow Bell and Silver Bell are still not old enough and he would not make one of his boys raise the kids. So I have to. I turn around to walk back to the house, but I think I am lost. I keep walking I am bound to found something that will tell me which way to go.

I have been walking for more then an hour when I hear a noise behind me, I turn around and see Prometheus in his half wolf half human form. They are so ugly when they are like this, it is really creepy, I always forget about the scars that cover their body in both form.

“I am lost do you know the way back to the house?”

“Yes follow me.”

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