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To whom it may concern: This not how I wanted my story to start but my friend and edit thought that adding this prolog would clear up somethings that had been unclear without. If you would like to read it as I first imagined it read from the first chapter. But it is here for anyone that needs a better starting point. Thank you. And Enjoy.


The house was unusually quiet despite the fact that it is the hideout of a pack of werewolves. Normally there is a cacophony of noise; growling, arguing, and bellowing of our leader, Criston, our Father as he 'trains' the members of his pack, my brothers, to be blood thirsty killers like himself.

This should make me a werewolf as well, if I didn't have the misfortune to be born a female. Females are the weaker sex, unable to embrace the 'Gift' that is the wolf. We're good for nothing but tending to the house and the children. And anything and everything the pack need. But not even the boys are real wolfs like Criston. Sort of a clash between wolf and boy leaving behind terrible scars.

That's my job-caring for the numerous children Criston brings back from his 'Hunts'. He goes out a few months at a time and after a year he returns with a newborn, usually still covered in the blood of its dead mother, whom Criston has bred and then murdered.

The baby is put into my care and despite myself, I always end up falling head over hells in love with the screaming, traumatized infant. They are my brothers and sisters, but I raise them as my kids.

I'm taking advantage of the quiet to tell my kids a bedtime story, cuddling them all on two mattresses pushed together. Making sure to whisper so as not to disturb Criston. I doubt he is sleeping it is, too early but he call to everyone about half an hour ago to shut up and go to bed, an order we can't ignore. He is probably on the phone talking to a woman he is trying to impregnate. It wouldn't do to have her hear a chorus of werewolves in the background.

But that doesn't mean we are not being monitored now. Titan, Criston's right hand and my oldest brother is always stalking about and is probably listen to every word. Creeper, he always seem to be lurking about.

My kids are nervous tonight, though they try to hide. Calla Lily is the only one that looks unaffected. Lotus and Snow Bell and Silver Bell keeping exchanging looking with each other then anxiously looking at Hawthorn. My other boys Seder, Elm, and Rubrum have separated themselves from Hawthorn and are snuggled as close are we can get on the twin beds we have pushed together. Hawthorn is sitting on my feet, I can feel him trembling ever so often. As usual Rose Bud my youngest is in her own little world, but I think she can tell something is wrong because she is sitting next to Hawthorn rubbing his arm. She only turned two a month ago and will have to watch the horror of tomorrow for the first time.

Tomorrow is Hawthorn's 11th birthday.

And it is not something we celebrate, Criston does though. For all intents purpose we are slaves held captive by a murderous werewolf, shuffled from place to place across the country. I can't even say we always live in a house. The me and my girls are suppose to clean and cook, and the older boys train. The only time we get to relax is when Criston is out chasing women and even then the lap dogs, the boys over the age of 11.

We are not allowed to do anything loud when Criston is around, and my kids and I are never allowed in the basement/game room.

But I'm a rebel, a stubborn rule breaker, in spite of the consequence. I am always being hit or kicked, even when I don't do anything, so it make no difference what I do.

Aug. 7th

I am getting closer to finding her, I can feel it. The pack lost them for a few months during the summer of last year. But now we are getting closer, after they gave us the slip in some forest in the middle of North Carolina a couple months ago, the trackers are getting restless. D III has been working hard at training me, I still have a lot to get use too since I became a werewolf. Wow even after 6 years of being one I still have trouble saying it. The pack has been really support since I joined up, I wonder if when this is all over if D III will let me stay, I don't have any other life any more. He made sure of that. That stupid hateful insane bastard. How could he turn my life upside down like this, he had no right to come into my life and put me thorough this hell. When I find him I will make sure he suffers for what he has done to me and this pack. Only a little rant today, D III needs me.


Thank you for reading, please comment tell me what you think. I love feed back. DFTBA

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