Author's Note -

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Hey there guys,

I just wanted to apologise for not updating this in nearly a month, but I'm having really bad writer's block and I'm not sure where to go next with it. So, there's two options right now. Either;

1. I end the story on the last part that I wrote, which people seemed to like.

2. Or, a couple of you give me an idea of where you want me to go next and I'll write the next part.

The choice is entirely yours so, if you think I should leave it at the last part I wrote, then I will because I'm pretty happy with that if I'm being totally honest. But, if people want more, then with a couple of ideas, I'll be able to write the next part.

I just wanted to apologise because I feel really bad for just leaving it now, and not saying anything sooner. So, please forgive me and accept my apology.

Also, a quick update on my other stories, just so you know what's going on with them as well;

Close Call - Currently on hold because I've got terrible writer's block with that story as well. Sorry about that one guys and, as soon as I've got an idea, I'll update it for you. Thanks for being patient.

First Time, Last Chance - I started writing the next part this evening, so I shall hopefully finish it tomorrow and it will be up then. More than a month since I last updated that story as well, sorry about that one, I've just been busy with Falling For Mr.Parker - personally, next to  You Hate Nathan Sykes? it's my favourite story I've written.

Same Old Story - It's not a fanfic, I'll start that one properly when I've got more time but I haven't forgotten it and the next part will be up soon.

Falling For Mr.Parker - I've nearly finished with this story, there aren't many more parts left now. Thanks for the support I've had with that story since I never expected as many people to read it as have done. Depending on how many people want one, then there may be a sequel, haven't really decided yet.

That's it, I just wanted to let you know what was going on here. Thanks for your patience, your support and for taking the time to read all my stories; it means so much to me that people actually read and enjoy what I post. I just want to entertain people and give them something good to read so, if I do that, then I'll go to sleep with a smile on my face.

I love you all, and I appreciate all that you do. Please forgive me and don't hate me too much.


Much love and many hugs,

Em xxx

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