Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 14.

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As the boys continued with their show, Nathan was stood behind me, his arms wrapped protectively around my waist and I was just leaning on him; enjoying the performance. Nathan didn't seem to mind being here that much now.

But that could be because I had kissed him and enjoyed it.

Might not be though; he must just actually really like them and never told anyone before.

Have to ask him that one later.

They all kept giving me looks from time to time, Liam even gave me a cheeky smirk while Louis winked at me more than once, like he knew there was something going on and he was giving me the go ahead for it. Zayn, on the other hand, didn't look as happy when he saw me embraced in Nathan's arms. In fact, he just looked really pissed off, almost as though I had done something wrong.

I didn't even know him that way, so he didn't have any right to be looking at me the way that he was.

If something happened between me and Nathan, then he wouldn't have the right to tell me that I can't be with him; he had even made it clear that he just wanted to get to know me better and didn't want anything from me.

He can't change his mind now and want something.

Not when I had just decided that I was going to tell Nathan that I loved him and was going to give him a chance; Zayn can't be the one to make things even more complicated than they already are.

I just can't be doing with that right now.

Anyway, you'd think that, being loosely related to Liam, that I would have more of an interest in One Direction that I do. But, before meeting Zayn, I hadn't really heard of them.

Sure, I'd seen them on TV, heard them on the radio and seen them all over the papers, but I wasn't really bothered by them or what they were doing.

Not when I had Max constantly going on about The Wanted and what they were doing. Or when I had Nathan chasing after me, knowing that he loved me. Or how about all the times Tom has recounted his drunken stories to me.

I was far more interested in them and what they were doing, rather than what One Direction were doing.

But, they weren't actually that bad. They knew how to get a crowd going, they were always full of energy and there was never a boring moment when they were on stage. They were just so into what they were doing; they looked like they were having fun and enjoying themselves.

That's the main thing really and, if they were having fun, then I was having fun as well.

"Now, this next song is dedicated to one of my friends." Zayn shouted into the microphone, throwing a quick look at me as he spoke. I wondered what the song was and why he was dedicating to me; I looked up to see that Nathan had to same concerned look on his face as I did.

"This is called, Stole My Heart." Harry beamed as the beat of the music kicked in.

"I don't like the sound of where this is going..." Nathan whispered in my ear, pulling me closer to him at the same time, as we listened to the lyrics of the song; wondering where this song was going and why Zayn would be singing it to me in the first place.

(Waiting for a girl like you)

The light shines,

It's getting hot on my shoulders.

I don't mind,

This time it doesn't matter

Cause your friends,

They look good, but you look better

Don't you know all night I've been waiting for a girl like you to come around, round, round?

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