Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 3.

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I woke up the following morning in the same place that I had fallen asleep; against my bedroom door. My face was stained with the tears from the previous night and my heart was still aching with the pain of the words which my brother had said to me.

Remembering that I was going back to London with Max and the others today, I was going to get a fresh start away from everything and I would be able to think about everything which had happened.

From the bad relationship with my parents to the totally unplanned pregnancy.

It would give me time to wonder how different things could have been between us had I been a better person and not constantly acted like a total bitch all the time. I might not be in this position now.

But it's too late to change the past now and I've got to live with my decisions.

No matter how much I regret them and would do anything to change them.

I pushed myself up from the ground, looking around my room for the last time. It's not like there was anything that I was going to miss from this room since it wasn't anything special. It was possibly the most boring room I've ever laid my eyes upon.

The walls were painted a boring white colour, there were no pictures of any kind because I wasn't allowed to put them up; I wasn't even allowed to put up a poster of Max and his band. Told me I wasn't good enough for that sort of thing and I was never going to be as good as Max; always good when your parents tell you that.

All I had in my room was the bed in which I slept, the drawers for my clothes and the curtains which hid everything the neighbours didn't need to see.

I took the bag from under my bed and walked over to my drawers, pulling all my clothes out and just shoving them all into the bag; not really caring how untidy they were. I just wanted to get out of this house as quickly as possibly, especially since I was told to do this last night and I decided not to.

I decided that I was going to leave it until this morning and end up running out of time.

"Nikki, are you awake?" someone asked, knocking gently on the door at the same time. I didn't recognise who it was because, firstly, they were talking too quietly, and secondly, it was too early in the morning for me to be able to focus.

"Yeah, why?" I replied.

"Can I come in?"


The door opened, revealing a rather tired looking Nathan. He was still rubbing his eyes and his hair showed that he had only just woken up, not that he cared. He stood there smiling at me.

"You alright then?" he asked.

"After everything that has happened, can safely say that I've been a lot better. And you?"

"Don't let them bring you down, you can prove them all wrong. And I'm great thanks." he smiled in response, walking further into the room with a massive grin on his face.

He had always had a thing for me and he had never denied that he hadn't. But I had never felt the same thing for him, I just liked him as a friend and nothing more.

Which is why it was going to be awkward for us living together.

Well, it was going to be interesting anyway and I was worried about what might happen. But Max had apparently made it clear to all the boys, that nothing was to ever between me and them.

Just him being the overprotective brother I guess and wanting the best for me.

"What you doing up this early then?"

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