Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 19.

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@NikkiGeorge_: @NathanTheWanted I'm sorry. More sorry than you know. I love you:(x

As I sent the tweet, I sat there and let the tears fall. I had given in too easily and I had given my brother exactly what he wanted. I had let him win and he had taken everything away from me.

But that was going to change. I wasn't going to be the loser anymore, I was going to win this time and I was going to get what I wanted.

No one, not even Max was going to stop me from doing that.

Just you wait and see.


Two Weeks Later:

Nathan's POV -

Two weeks.

It had been two weeks and things were finally starting to go back to normal. Well, what I mean by that is Nikki is actually coming out of her room now and is putting in the effort to talk to us all. Although, after everything that happened, she decided that she was going to move out and a couple of days ago, everything was made final and she got a flat of her own just around the corner from here.

I even got a conversation with her the other day - all she did throughout it was apologise and tell me just how sorry she was that everything had turned out like this; she also kept mentioning that she still loved me and wanted me back.

But, while Max was up to his tricks, that wasn't going to happen and I was still going to be miserable without her.

Max seemed much happier since the split and he had stopped selling stories to the papers about his sister. And Zayn had even backed off, I only ever saw him when he was having a quiet word with Max about something or other.

I never really listened.

I walked into the living room of my place, seeing Tom and Siva were both sat there, looking at the same page in the same paper; there must have been something pretty interesting in there for them to both be reading it at the same time. Once they noticed me stood there, they both looked at me and started grinning like a pair of idiots.

"Have you read this today?" Siva asked, still grinning at me.

"No. Why would I have done?" I shrugged as I took a seat on the chair opposite them, still looking at the pair of them, just to make sure nothing else weird was going on.

"Just wondered. Maybe you should have a quick look, then go on Twitter and see what's been going on there." Siva suggested.

"Or, if you wanted to, you could go on Twitter first and then read this." Tom laughed, turning the whole situation even more awkward than it actually needed to be.

"Why? What are you two going on about?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, wanting to know what they were both talking about because I really didn't have a clue. I hadn't really been on Twitter that much recently and, after the stories they published about mine and Nikki's break-up, I also decided that I was going to give the newpapers a miss as well.

Not wanting to see anymore rumours that we blantent lies and made Nikki out to be someone that she wasn't.

She was just one hell of a mixed up and confused girl who, no matter how hard she tired, was never going to be happy herself because she was always trying to please her brother and satisfy what he wanted, rather than what she wanted.

"When was the last time you saw, or even spoke to Nikki?" Siva asked.

"Erm, a couple of days ago before she left here for the last time. Why?" I asked nervously.

Let Me Save Your Heart.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz