Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 5.

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My vision focused and I realised that I had fallen asleep on Nathan's shoulder. I didn't open my eyes completely, instead I just listened to what the boys were all saying.

I didn't want them to stop talking, just because I was awake now and they thought that they might offend me with what they were saying. But none of them could ever offend me.

None of them, with the exception of Max, have ever offended me anyway.

"You need to respect her decision Max. You can't keep telling her what to do." I heard Siva's accent ring across from the back of the van. He sounded like he was annoyed and someone wasn't listening to what he had to say.I also guessed that, from the fact Siva said 'she', then he must have been talking about me.

"She doesn't know what she wants, she's confused and scared. She thinks that everyone is just going to bow down to her and help her make the worst decision of her life!" Max snapped.

"Why do you assume the worst about your sister? She came with us to get a fresh start, not to get a fresh lecture..." Nathan replied.

"I know her better than you do. She is, afterall, my sister and there are things I know about her that she would never tell you."

"Like what?" Jay asked.

"Like who the actual father of her baby is..." Max replied smugly, thinking that he had the right to go round telling people the truth. I thought I could trust him, but here he was, acting just as bad as mum and dad always did.

Thinking that he could control every aspect of my life.

Thinking that he had the right to tell people things, when it was nothing to do with them and they had no need to know these things about me.

Thinking I was so stupid, that I had no idea what I really wanted from my life. I was old enough to get into this mess and I'm old enough to get out of it again; despite what everyone seemed to think of me.

"You have no right to tell people that. If Nik wants to tell us, then she will." Nathan stated.

"Ha. You're only saying that because you're in love with her, bet you're enjoying that she's asleep on you right now."

"This isn't a competition Max. She's my friend, and nothing else, and in case you have forgotten, it was your idea for her to live with me in the first place!"

"Well I can easily change my mind about that; I'll tell her to come and live with me. It'll probably be better for her if she lives with me rather than you. At least I know what she needs."

"You can't actually control her life. She will make her own decision and, if she wants to live with me, then that's what she's going to do. You really need to grow up and accept her decision!" Nathan snapped, clearly getting more annoyed with Max and his outlook on everything. If I wasn't enjoying this as much as I was, then I would have sat up and told Max what I thought by now.

But hearing what the others had to say was actually rather interesting. I'd never really heard what they had to say about me before; mostly because I didn't bother asking them.

It's really got nothing to do with me since it's their opinion and they can think what they want about me.

I'm not going to try changing their mind about me. Mostly because I just don't really care what they have to say about me.

Their choice.

Not mine.

"And you need to realise she isn't going to fall in love with you, just because you're letting her live with you while she's pregnant. As soon as she's had the baby and given it to whatever family she picks, she's going to leave you and not want anything to do with you..." Max laughed.

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