Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 15.

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Alright there guys,

How have you been then? I've been a bit blergh, you know, exams do that to you and make you want to cry.

Anyway, hope you like this part and it isn't too boring for you. Also, I apologise for the time jumps, but I didn't want to write everything that didn't need to be written. You know how it is.

And, thanks for the votes on the last part. It made me smile.

And, I'd also like to thank people for getting You Hate Nathan Sykes to over 41,000 reads now. That's just amazing and like, wow, I really do appreciate it and love you all.

Love Em:)xxx


"Oi, you two, we're home!" I heard Max shouting and felt my body being violently shaken from the slumber into which I had fallen.

"I'll just carry her, save waking her up." I heard Nathan reply before my body my body was lifted from the seat, without even thinking, I automatically placed my arms around Nathan's neck and cuddled into the warmth of his chest, allowing my eyes to close again.

"Thanks mate." Max said happily, I could tell that he was smiling and he was happy; but he was totally unaware of what was actually going on between me and Nathan.

"For what?"

"Looking after her and making sure nothing happened, I really appreciate it."

"There's no need to mention it. You know I'll always look after her..." Nathan replied.

"I know you will, I just worry about her. I don't want her to make a mistake with everything and end up regretting it later in life; I know what she's like." Max sighed and I knew what he was talking about, and if I was being honest, I had been thinking about that as well and hoping that someone might mention it to me.

I know what I said, but it had crossed my mind recently that I was making a mistake and I was only going to regret it later.

But then I also thought about all the negatives, and all the reasons why I shouldn't bother changing my mind.

I was so conflicted right now and just didn't really know what I was supposed to do.

"Look, I'll talk to her in the morning, but I'm not going to promise anything. At the end of the day, it's her choice and you know how stubborn she is; her mind isn't easily changed." Nathan chuckled.

"Nathan?" I muttered.

"Yeah?" he smiled at me as I looked up at him.

"I want to go to sleep, can we go inside now?" I mumbled.

"Of course we can. And Max, you don't need to thank me, I'll always be here and I won't let anything happen to your sister." Nathan said as he walked towards the house, still holding me protectively in his arms while my arms were around his neck, holding me in place.

"I know you will mate and I appreciate that. I'll see you at the weekend then?"

"Yeah. I'll see you at the weekend, and thanks for picking us up." Nathan replied.

"No problem!" Max said and then I heard the car door slamming before the engine burst into life; probably waking up half the neighbourhood at the same time, not that I really cared.

I didn't like the people that lived here anyway.

They were all nosy and always had something to say about what everyone else was doing.

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