Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 4.

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"YOU'RE WHAT?" my mother yelled at me, restraining herself from running across the room towards me; which was probably a good thing considering the mood I was in.

"You heard me. I'm pregnant, is that a problem?" I replied more sarcastically than I intended to, but she didn't really need to react in this way.

She could have been a bit calmer about it. I didn't expect her to be jumping from the walls and congratulating me, but she didn't need to shout at me and go totally mental.

It's not like I told her I was doing drugs or something stupid like that.

"And how did this happen?"

"Well, when a boy sticks-"

"Yes Nikki, I know how it happens." my mother interrupted me before I had time to finish my response to her.

"I was just answering your questions, that's all." I shrugged.

"I meant, how did you end up pregnant? I always thought you were a sensible girl..."

"Apparently you were wrong. Guess I'm still the disappointment that brings shame on this family; sorry I can't be the perfect daughter!"

"I wish you were more like your brother, look at how well he is doing. Why can't you be more like him?" she snapped at me.

Comparing me to Max was something that happened on a daily basis in my life. It didn't matter what happened or what I did; I was still compared to my older brother.

He was making my parents proud while I was just making them wish they had never even had me because I just embarrass them and have no reason for doing it.

Being pregnant is just one big kick in the balls for the both of them because, although they thought I was stupid, they didn't think I was stupid enough to let something like this happen to me.

But, when you're drunk, being safe isn't exactly the first thing that you're thinking about.

You're more thinking about how much more alcohol you can consume and all the stupid things you could get up to in that time.

"Maybe if you paid more attention to me and didn't treat me like crap all the time, then this never would have happened. I would have made you proud and you would have wanted to call me your daughter!" I snapped, not even feeling bad about what I was saying because I knew it was the truth.

"I used to be proud of you. Then you turned into an arrogant, spoilt teenager that did nothing other than cause trouble for us as a family."

"And whose fault would that be?"

"Don't even blame me and your dad. We brought you up in the same way we brought Max up, but look at you now. You're going out, getting drunk and then telling me your pregnant with no memory of who you slept with!"

"Look, I can't be doing with you right now. I'm going out." I said, not wanting to be around my mother for any longer than I had to be. I also didn't want to be here when she told my father about me being pregnant.

He as going to kill me and he was going to make sure I knew just how angry he was with me.

He was going to be even more annoyed when he found out that I had 'forgotten' about who I had slept with that night.

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