Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 8.

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"Nikki, I'm back and there's someone else here who wants to see you." I heard Nathan shout up the stairs, the sound of slamming and banging come from the room beneath me.

"I'll be down in a second, just finishing getting ready." I replied as I looked at the time, seeing it had not long turned half five. Thinking that they were back later than they normally would have been, but not really complaining.

"Hurry up. I need to talk to you..." someone who wasn't Nathan replied, there was only one person that it could have been because there was no mistaking his voice or his accent. It was one that I knew only too well and you would have to be an idiot to not recognise it.

I finished applying my make-up, since I wasn't really wearing much. I never was a girl that was into wearing make-up and buying heels online, or wondering what the latest handbag out was. I much preferred chilling in jogging bottoms and hoodies than bothering with looking good and trying to attract male attention.

I took one last look in the mirror, deciding that it would do and I wasn't going to bother making more of an effort than I had done. I wasn't wearing anything flashy or anything which made me look better than I was.

I had just gone for the simple skinny jeans, purple vest top and pink ballet pumps. Picking up a cardigan, just in case it got a bit chilly later on the evening.

I didn't think I looked that bad, especially for someone that didn't even make that much of an effort. I just grabbed clothes that I felt comfortable in and made them look good.

Or so I thought anyway.

"Nikki, are you ready yet?" Nathan shouted up the stairs again with a slight chuckle.

"Yes. I'll be there in a moment." I replied, walking out of the bedroom and straight down the stairs. Stopping halfway when I noticed that Nathan was looking at me and he wasn't even making it unobvious that he was looking at me; not that there was much to look at.

"You look great." Nathan smiled.


"I'll leave you and Max to talk. Let me know when you're ready to go and I'll come back down..." he replied, disappearing up the stairs, still with a smile on his face.

I walked into the living room, seeing Max stood there was a look of sadness washed all over him. I just looked at me, opening his mouth to speak before he closed it again and turned away from me. Clearly not knowing that to say to me; which made me wonder why he had even come here in the first place.

"Is there something specific that you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked.

"You look nice. Going anywhere special?" he replied.

Of all the things he could say, that was the thing that he replied with. If he didn't tell me what he wanted, I was just going to leave and let him get on with it.

He hadn't bothered talking to me for over two weeks now; I don't see why he would put the effort in now all of a sudden. Anyone would think he knew that what he did was wrong and had no real reason to do it.

"Just out for dinner..."


"Nathan. Anyway, what do you want Max?"

"Why is he taking you out for dinner then?" Max replied, acting like he suddenly had an interest in my life and what I was doing. But I knew why he was really here, I was just waiting to see if he told me why himself or if he just wasn't going to bother with it.

"Look, you're not here for that, so just spit it out. What do you want?" I asked, more impatiently than before.

"I just want to explain why I told Jake and I want you listen to me."

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