Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 13.

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Hey guys,

So, I lied. This is going to be the last update, simply because I've done so much revision and decided that I needed to release some of the stress. This is the best way to be able to do that. Strange right?

I also decided that I couldn't leave writing this part until next weekend, especially after the way the last part ended. Sorry if it's a bit boring and not what you expect, but I do appreciate all you people that are reading this and then commenting/voting.

So, until next weekend, enjoy this part and I hope you have a great week. And, to any of you that have exams, good luck and I hope you get the grades that you want from them.

Love to you all,



"Does that prove how jealous I am?" Nathan asked, pulling away and resting his forehead against mine, looking me right in the eyes.

"I think that certainly does. But, I've made it clear that I want nothing other than friendship from you." I chuckled.

"If you didn't feel something, then you would have pushed me away and would never have let me kiss you in the first place." he replied with a smirk on his face, I guess he was right though.

If I didn't feel something then I would never have frozen in the way that I did when he came near.

I would have walked away from him and nothing would have happened between the pair of us; I guess the mind can never be right and can never know what you really want. It is always the heart that knows everything and holds your true feelings.

I've just never bothered listening to it before now.

As soon as Nathan kissed me, my heart felt like it was going to beat of my chest and he gave me goose bumps when he was speaking, just with his breath hitting my bare skin.

I had never realised that he had this much of an effect on me before now. Mostly because I had told myself that I was never going to let myself fall in love again and I was never going to let Nathan get the better of me; no matter how much he told me that he loved me.

No matter how jealous he got of me going out with other people.

No matter what he did for me or where he took me.

I was never going to drop my defences and actually let myself fall in love with Nathan, because I didn't want to have my heart broken again and I didn't want to be left with no one.

Especially after I had put all my trust in them and given them my heart.

Apparently that wasn't the case and, no matter what I had told myself, I had been lying to myself for the whole of that time.

Today had shown me that I must have felt something for Nathan or I would never have let him kiss me and I would never have let myself feel the emotions that I was feeling.

"Doesn't mean anything. We're only friends Nathan, nothing more..." I sighed, still not wanting to let myself admit that there was something there and it wasn't just some meaningless kiss that happened so that Nathan could prove a point to both me and himself.

"I know you don't mean that Nikki. Why won't you just admit to yourself that you felt something?" Nathan asked, frustration in his tone as he looked around, avoiding my stare now.

"Because I didn't Nathan. I felt nothing." I lied, feeling the lump of guilt in my throat as the words were forced out of my mouth.

"You're such a bad liar Nikki, I know that you're lying. Why won't you admit it to yourself?" Nathan replied.

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