Behind the Character

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So this behind the character is Damien but if I asked Damien to write about himself he would ask why and then I would have to explain to him that i need it for my story but that would be extra awkward because he would ask what's it called so he read it, helllllllllll noooooo, I hope he never finds out about this book because thatvwohld reveal a lot of ishhhh that he doesn't need to know okay. But I can tell you a little about him.
1. His real name isn't Damien but for the sake of people not finding out, he will still be referred to as Damien
2.we are not in a relationship, like no where close, I barely talk to him now. We meet in my sophmore year which was last year becuz I'm only a junior. We became instant friends after I caught him snooping into my conversation with my,friend. Okay he wasn't really snooping we were just talking and he was right behind us the whole time in class and I would randomly hear him laugh like at what we were saying. So yeah it blossomed from there. When I first met him I thought he was just some black guy and to this day he is still some black guy. Anyway....
3. At this current moment I don't like him, like I said we barely talk and the reason for that will be the next. But yeah me no like him... For now
4. So we barely talk anymore becuz it's easier for me to lose feeling for someone if I don't talk to them. We went from talking everyday for like a weak and now we barely say a word to eachother, he talked to me last week but it was short and uninteresting. I'm not devastated that we don't talk, I could care less, I have a life totally separate from his life and. It works.
5. The reason I don't talk to him besides the fact that it will help me lose feelings, is becuz I'm a jealous person. So he had a gf for like a month and I just kept getting sad when I saw them together and then when they broke up, he had other girls he would hang out w/ and it just kept making me sad so that's why. Freshman year I spent crying over 2 Juniors but now I'm so over the whole cry over the boy b.s. soo yeah
6. Well Damien is taller than me, but has not a giant or anything, has really skinny but boiiiiii when I tell you this man has abs, I mean it. He has a full grown six pack and it's so nice. Don't ask how I know, just believe Me when I say this. Okay anyone, he's like those negros that want to be a rapper, he swears he has a mixtape he is working on it but has been saying that since 2014 and its 2016 so..... Anyway he's light skin, but hes not like light skins everywhere he's not really full of himself or anything. But Anyway that's him.
7. Anything that happened in the book so far has never happened ever so yeah just putting it out there.
But yeah that's it, there's nothing else to really say about everything, if u have questions ask away in the comments but yeah............... I'm so awkward sooorry

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