Chapter 25

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Don't get confused, this a week before thanksgiving

Also Damien is now Diggy Simmons

Damien's family:

Sister: Tinashe

Mom: taraji p Henson

Dad: terrence Howard


I finally got out of my last class for the day and we were finally on Thanksgiving break. I wouldn't have to come back till next next Monday. Actually break started Monday but since I don't have any weekend classes or anything like that I can finally leave. My flight wasn't till tomorrow afternoon so I was stuck in my dorm for one more night. Against my better judgement, I agreed to go with Damien to his parents' house. It have been so scared. Are they going to like me? Are they going to ask us what we are? Hell I don't even know. I know I have feelings for him, I always have, and I never think I ever stopped feeling for him. I loved him, but in the platonic sense of the word. Loving someone is scaring and I don't think I'll be ready for love anytime in the future.

Once I got back into my dorm, I began packing. What was the weather like in Tennessee right now? Ugh this so stressful.

"Siri, what's the weather like in Memphis, TN"

"The weather today, November 20th is 73 degrees, the lows are 52" Siri replied. So I packed some skater skirts and shorts but also some jeans and leggings. I grabbed long and short sleeve shirts and some semi fancy clothing. Then I preceded to pack my necessities such as underwear, bras, sleeping clothes, shoes, and make up

Oh, god, what if they think I wear too much make up? This so stressful. I needed him to calm my nerves. I picked up my phone and decided against calling Damien, instead I decide to FaceTime him. I needed to see his face, when he told me everything's going to be alright.

"Hi" I smiled when he finally answered. He was in his room laying down.

"Hi" he smiled back at me. Oh how beautiful is that smile.


"It will go fine. Stop it Brooke" I loved how he knew what I was going to say, he was probably getting annoyed with me by now.


"So what are you doing?"

"I'm going to bake probably. Baking will take my mind off of all this"

"Don't worry"

"What do we tell your parents?"

"What do you mean?"

"Um like our status..."

"Well I'll tell them the truth. We went to high school together, you secretly loved me for years because you thought I was so sexy and I was finally smart enough to notice and now we are talking. Like intense talking. Nothing serious. Yet, but we are getting there" I rolled my eyes at him, but I was more than happy that he said yet, there's hope for a future.

"Or we can say we like each other and we are still trying to figure things out with the long distance and everything"

"I like my idea better"

"Sure you do" I rolled my eyes yet again. After we finished talking, I got ready since I had my last shift for a week. I worked late tonight. Thank god my flights not till the midafternoon.

"Just be yourself" Regan yet again tried to reassure me.

"Ugh but what if they hate the real me"

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