Chapter 22

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"Omg this is not real" Regan gasped as I told her the story about Sergio.

"I know right. Girl it's insane"

"Omg noooo......" Regans back was toward the door as we stood at the hostess stand.


"Omg no no, God is trying to punish me"


Walking through the door was not only Sergio, but also a girl. I couldn't see who she was because her back was to me, but it was obviously not the girl saying that Sergio was making out with her. The girl turned around slowly and I almost died.


"Brooke, hey what's up" Asya was a new waitress that was hired on. We use to have the same days until I had to reduce mine because of my heavy school load.

"Nothing, ummm..." I really didn't know what to say. Asya and I weren't really friends, we spoke, but very little.

"Hey Brooke" Sergio smiled at me. Ugh I feel sick. Less than 4 hours ago he was flirting with me and saying very inapporiate stuff and now here he was, with my coworker, holding her hand.

"Hey Sergio" Regans eyes widened in realization.

"Well I'll seat you guys" Regan grabs 2 menus and directs them to their seat. I rushed to back room and pulled out my phone texting Nina in all caps.

*NINA!!!!!!* I then lock my phone and slide in into my pockets of my shorts.

My worst nightmare has come true. I was meeting his girlfriend, face to face.

"Brooke!" Regan hit me.

"I know, omg, I feel so sick"

"I'm sooo sorry but he requested to sit in your section"

"Noooooooo, Regan that's not funny"

"I'm not joking, just act like nothing happened and do your job"

"I'm going straight to hell Rey"

"No you aren't, you really didn't do anything wrong. Suck it up and do your job"

"Okay" I nodded and exit the backroom and head to the table.

"Are you ready to order?"

"Can I have a sprite?" Asya says.

"Me as well"

"Okay 2 sprites, anything else?"

"Um how about your sandwiches, which one do you like?" Sergio raised a suggestive brow, Asya is so unaware of this. I really wanted to punch him the face.

"Well, our chicken sandwich is really good" I say before leaving, wanting to get out of the situation. The rest of the sinner went smoothly, Sergio stopped being annoying and referring back to our conversation in class. They finally paid and left, I could finally let out a breath.

The ringing in my back pocket caused me to scurry to the break room and pull out my phone, answering my sister's call.


"I'm going to hell Nina"

"Why, what did you do?" she sounded so worried.

"God is trying to punish me"

"What are you even talking about Brooke?"

"I meant his girlfriend", "I work with his girlfriend" I spilled.

"I am friends with his girlfriend" I spilled.

"Brooke, stop lying"

"I am not lying, oh god, Nina. I couldn't even look her in the eye"

"He's a jerk" she replied.

"I know, and I feel like a hoe."

"You didn't do anything wrong, from what you have told me, he is in the wrong not you"

"I hate myself"

"Brooke calm down"

I tried to breath.

"You need to tell her"

"Nooooo, not happening, people will hate me"

"Brooke, you are her friend, she needs to know who she is dating"

"He could say I was making this up, or he was joking around and turn this all back on me and everyone will hate me"

"If some girl came up to me and told me Michael was flirting with her, I wouldn't hate her, I would respect her for doing it"

"I'm not telling her, end of story"

"I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to, but I'm very disappointed that you aren't going to tell her" I hated that Nina was disappointed in you, it is worse than having your parents disappointed in you. But I couldn't do it, not now, not ever.

"I can't"

"That's fine, but I think you should, its wrong for you not to"

"I have to go back to work, I love you"

"I love you too, think about what I said"

"I will" I replied before hanging. I feel bad, I really do, but I wanted to stay out of it. It would cause way too much drama in my life that honestly I didn't need. Besides, Asya and I have different work schedule and earlier today Sergio said he got a schedule change to a different time. I would never see the two of them very often, maybe never again. It happened and now it is over, this just has to stay between the few people I told.


China Anne McClain plays Asya

Some secrets are meant to be kept


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