Chapter 24

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I finally finished filming my video for the week and now I sat here editing it which was the hardest part. Everything had to be perfect, the clips had to blend seamlessly. Even though I had a big essay due Monday and it was Saturday should of pushed me to do homework yet I ignored it and worked on producing this video for Wednesday so I won't have to worry about it.

Once I was finally finished, I began working on my art homework. 2 hours later, I smiled down at my finished abstract piece. Now time for this stupid essay. I couldn't wait till Thanksgiving break.

Marie's POV

"Hey Fi" I greeted Fiona as I clock into work. I really didn't want to work till 8:30, but money was money and I was broke.

"Hey" she greeted as she tried to quick make orders. College students and their coffee, I rolled my eyes at the rush of people as I tied my apron around my waist and began helping Fiona and Haiden make orders while Haiden was simultaneously working the register with Yvonne.

Alaina's Pov

I slipped my lanyard that held my work card around my neck after swiping into the register. Per usual we were packed and it was beyond chaotic. I feel bad for whoever is on folding duty right now. I pull my straighten hair into a pony showing of my anchor earrings.

"You look adorable" Paul compliment as I put my draw into the register.

"Thanks" the weather in Cali was becoming to get cooler so I decided to wear a white cardigan with navy blue stripes in the front over a navy blue spaghetti strapped blouse, jeans, and converse.

"You look very fashionable" I complimented him. He had on jeans and a pink and white stripped button up with the sleeves rolled to his elbow.

"Always darling" he flipped his imaginary hair and continued scanning the customers items.

Nina's POV

"Are you sure about this?" I question my sister.

"I've wanted this since I was 15, I'm 100% sure" Brooke made me drive with her 30 minutes away from campus to some tattoo parlor she watched on Oxygen like 2 years ago. She was determined to get her industrial piercing from some Chris guy that worked at Ink Kandy. Once we walked in, we were greeted cheerfully by the staff. One guy was riding around on a BMX bike.

"Brooklen?" the piercer, I assume, called her name.

"Hi" she got up and shook his hand.

"My name is Chris"

"I know, I watched you on Tattoos after dark. Your better looking in person" she flirts.

"Well thank you. You are not bad yourself. So, what can I do for you?"

"I want to get an industrial piercing in my right cartilage"

"Okay, follow me" he led us to the back where he laid her down on the dentist like chair and I sat in the chair on her right. He made her lay on her left side so he could access her right ear. After putting on gloves, he sterilized her ear and marked white a highlighter where he presumed she wanted the holes. He handed her a mirror and she examined the holes.

"There?" His accent was thick.

"Yup" she smiled before handing the mirror back to him and gripping my hand.

"Okay, take a deep breath in" I watched as he put a silver cylinder in the inner part of her ear and grabbed a needle. Starting from the back he stuck the needle through her ear, besides a small hiss, she seemed unaffected.

"Are you good?" he asked

"Yeah" she replied.

"What made you want to get this?" he asked, trying to distract her.

"I've always liked the way they looked" Brooke replied. After getting the second hole pierced, he put a stopper on the end of the needle and grabbed the bar that was going to be put it. It was just a plain gold one with a ball on the end. He simultaneously pushed the needle out while putting the new jewelry in. When he was finally done, he screwed the ball onto the other end or the bar and she was all done. He made sure that there was no bleeding before speaking.

"All done sweetheart" he said before pulling his gloves off. Brooke began to sit up and took the mirror in her outstretched hands.

"Omg its perfect" she smiled. After he explained to her how to take care of it, he escorted us to the front where Brooke paid.

"Thanks again" she hugged him

"No problem, come see me again"

"Definitely" she replied before we left.

"That wasn't as painful as I thought it would be" Brooke says as she gets into the driver's seat of her car.

"Ha-ha, so funny" I laughed at her sarcastically.

"I think I'm going to wait a month or so before getting my second ear piercing"

"What's up with you and piercings?"

"Nothing. I just want more in my ear. I'll never get my face or tongue pierced"

"I still really want the hip dermal but that can wait"

"Oh lord" I laugh at her over excessive need to form holes in her body. Mom and dad are not going to be happy about this.

Phoenix pov

I pulled on some jeans and a long sleeve grey shirt, lacing up my converse before grabbing my phone, purse, and makeup train case. I had an appointment with a customer. It was her 21st and she wanted to get her and her close friends make-up done. Somehow I persuaded Brooke to get off work early to help me with the gig. I double checked my phone to make sure I sent her the right address and then I shot her a text telling her I'm on my way. She replied with an okay. I already met with the clients to plan out what they wanted and did a trial with them.

"Hey" I greeted Brooke as she helped me take out my train case.

"Hey" she replied. Instead of wearing her uniform from work, she was wearing a grey cropped tee with cuffed sleeves, a maroon sweater that she tied around her waist, the same jeans she work earlier with big rips in the knees, and timberlands instead of her white cowboy boots.

"Hey, so there is this wedding tomorrow morning, would you mind helping me out.

"What time?"

"Um 8"

"Okay, but I have to leave at 10:30"

"That's fine"

"And I also have another wedding later on at 6 tomorrow" I gave her a sweet smile. I know I was asking a lot from her, but I really needed help and since she did make up videos on our channel, I knew she was good.

"Ughh, better be glad I love you" she smiled

"Thank you!" I hugged her excitedly.

"Okay, let's get this over with"

There was 5 girls that we had to work on. I worked on the birthday girl, her older sister, and her best friend while Brooke worked on the two other friends. We were done within three hours, giving them enough go out for dinner before they head to the club.

"Here you go" the girl handed me 50 for the trial on her and her sister, then 300 for the day, and she slipped in an extra 20 each, for tip I assume.

"Here" I slipped Brooke 150 once we got outside. She handed me back 50 before walking to her car.

"You did more than me. See you at home" she smiled before getting in and starting the engine. Before heading home, I went to the bank to deposit the money I made today and some that I had made from the weekend before when I was jam packed. My calendar is very jam packed next weekend because it's Halloween next Saturday and everyone wants to look sexy for the club.

I'll be there for you for as long as you need me


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