Chapter 27

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That's Michael above

Upon our arrival, we notice the party seemed deserted.I was expecting people all over the lawn and music pumping in the house and outside, but it's seemed quiet in that large mansion. It looked about 3 storys high, maybe a basement as well. Outside on the door of the house read, welcome back Damien on a huge white banner with black lettering.

"Dude" Damien said hitting Kevin's arm.

"Dude" Kevin mocked back.

"No way" Damien was the first to hop out the car, us laughing after him.

"You planned me a surprise party!"

"Your my best friend man, obviously" Kevin slapped him on the back.

"Go on, open it up we we can party" Carrie says, cutting off the moment. Damien held the nob and opened the door.

"Surprise" hundreds of people popped out, yelling surprise. Then all of a sudden the music was turned on and people began dancing. Now the party was in full swing.

"This is amazing" Damien breathes out, his lips spread into a grin and his eyes bright. He was happy and I'm glad he's happy. I hope someday I can make him smile that happily at me.

"Come on let's dance" I drag Damien as Carrie grabs Kevin and we mash in with the crowd of teens.

I let go of Damien's hand as i raised my hands into the air and moved my hips to the beat of the music. It felt so freeing and amazing. This is the most fun I've had in a while. I've spent most of my college life so far studying and working, only went to one party and I've been in college for 3 months. When I graduated high school, I was happy and ready to go to college and party all the time till I got bored of it, but I never got party like I thought so this week that I have off will be spent partying and having fun.

"Here" Damien hands me a black solo cup.

"What is it?"

"Carrie and Kevin got it" I was skeptical, I don't really know these people and I think Damien could sense it. He grabs my cup and gulps some of it down before handing it back to me. He didn't seem to be drugged so I chugged it down.

"Come here" he shouts over the loud music. I stepped forward and he wrapped his hands around my waist, jutted my leg between mine and started grind on me. he let out a satisfied groan when I rolled my body against his. This was getting heated quickly. I attached my lips to his neck, dragging my teeth down his neck.

"Stop" he moans, but it just riles me on. I then bite his ears seductively causing him to moan again and drag his hand down and grab my butt, squeezing it hard.

"Are you going to stop now?"

"Never" our playful neck biting and grinding turned into a full on make-up in the middle of the crowd of sweaty bodies. yet again I felt so free, this was so out of my norm yet I loved it. Being here, kissing the boy I have liked on and off for 3 years, and having no worries just for a little bit felt amazing. I never wanted it to end, but every good thing ends badly.

Bang  that made me pull away from Damien quickly. another shot sounded out and that's when everyone started to scream and run towards the exit.

"Come on baby" Damien dragged me towards the door. Screams of terror were heard all over the place. I was too shocked to scream.

"Carrie, where Kevin?" I scream when I spot her.

"He went outside a little bit again, before the shots"

"Okay lets get out of here" I grabbed Carrie and we ran out. During the commotion I could feel my phone vibrate in the waistband  of my skirt, somehow it hasn't fallen out. once we got outside and away from the house, we stopped running. I pull out my phone to call an uber to get us out of here. Thank god there was one 3 minutes away. I checked the miss calls noticing it was Michael. I call back and wait till he picks up.

"Where have you been?!"

"Don't yell at me. What do you want?"

"Do you know where Nina is?"

"What do you mean, she's with you?"

"No, we broke up 2 weeks ago"


"I take it you didn't know"

"Hell no I didn't, what happened"

"We got in a fight and we just ended it, but it was the biggest mistake of my life"

"Yeah it was"

"I've tried calling her but she isn't answering" I began racking my brain for where she might me.

"I know where she is, she's going to be fine, let her have her time to breath, ill talk to her when school starts up again"

"I can't wait that long"

"Well you should of thought of that before you broke up with my sister" I hung up, having the last word.

"What's wrong?" Damien asked.

"Nothing, the uber is here, lets go to Denny's" we all climbed into the black car and drove off.

This chapter was pretty sure but I wanted to get it up

Distance makes the heart grow fonder


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