Chapter 14

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First, I'm sorry this update it all late, but Wattpad was messing up on Monday and it irritated me so it gave me no urge to update it Tuesday so here it is, Wednesday night!

Second,This video above is literally how me and Damien's video would go. lol

Thanks to MysticGotJokes for unknowingly allowing me to use his video. lol jk, but seriously hes funny and once I saw it I knew I had to use it


Yes, I do, I believe, that one day I will be, where I was right there, right next to you

I would say that I woke up in Damien's arms, spooning, but that wasn't the case. The place where we fell asleep is the same place we woke up. The only difference was that Damien was on his stomach instead of his side and I was curled up on my side.

I grabbed my phone, turning off my alarm before setting it back down. Getting up, I grab a black sports bra and grey boy shorts and went to the bathroom to put them on under my clothes. I wasn't those girls that had to have my underwear and bra to match to feel complete and I also wasn't the type to wear lacy undergarments. I preferred the packs of 6 from Walmart over expensive underwear for Victoria secret. Just because I prefer doesn't mean I don't own Victoria Secret underwear I just didn't want to wear something up my butt to work.

When I came out, I notice the dirty dishes in the sink so I took them out, put the plug over the drain, poured in soap and bleach before putting warm water in the sink. I put the dirty dishes in and let the sink fill up while I went to my room, got my phone and Bluetooth speakers. Connecting my phone, I put it on shuffle and began to do the dishes, singing along and dancing around while I did so. The sound of a laugh caused me to stop my one woman party and turn around to see Damien laughing at me.

I stuck my tongue at him before going back to what I was doing.

"You're so weird" he said opening the fridge, bending down to scan the contents, then closed it shut

"Leave me alone" I replied, taking the stopped out of the sink and letting the soapy water drain. I wipe my hands off with a paper towel before reaching on my tipies to take down my Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Grabbing a bowl, I fill it almost to the brim and pour cold milk on top, sitting at the small island in our kitchen.

"That's a lot of Cereal"

"It's mostly milk" I replied, putting a spoonful in my mouth and going on instagram.

"What are you doing today?"

"Going to work, you?"

"Nothing, I'm going to get an uber and go somewhere"

"Well we can go to dinner after I get off work?" I suggest.

"That sounds nice"

"Okay, sounds like a plan" I put my dirty bowl in the sink and went to my room to dress.


Yesterday was amazing. We preformed and cheered at the football game for 3 hours straight. After we had a team meal and then went back to the Right hotel. Today, we were finally heading back, we had to wake at 6 to get on the road, much to my displeasure.

I was exhausted so as soon as my butt hit the seat on the bus, I was out.


"So you are coming?" I spoke into the phone as I turn the key into my dorm. I ended up staying a little later than I liked at work so I pushed back our reservation for dinner.

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