Chapter 13

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So I know some of you are confused with the messed up chapter, just read the real chapter 10, then 11, then 12. so yeah. 

My first day of school was kind of bad but it was aight I don't know.  Okay whatever

Heres the update


"Anything you need?" I trudged down the quiet aisles of Walmart at 11:30 at night

"Not really" Damien replied not lifting his head from his phone. He has been glued to it the whole way to work and the whole way to Walmart.

"Who is so important that you can't spend time with your best friend?"

"No one" he snapped before putting his phone away, seeming very irritated I messed up his booty text.

"Okay" I pushed ahead, pretending to be interested in pasta.

"Aye" I ignored him

"Aye I'm sorry for overacting"

"Its fine" it wasn't.

"Alright "

"Great" it wasn't.

"Seriously Brooke"

"I said its fine" I snapped, turning into the next aisles, stopping to pull my shorts down. They felt like they were giving me a camel toe.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry" he opened his arms in a hug.

"Get away from me" I pushed against his chest.

"Love me" he wrapped around me and backed me into the shelf.

"Okay" I breathed.

"Good" he replied before letting go of me and walking ahead.

"Open the door Nina" I pounded my fist on the door. Seconds later the door swung open, and there stood Nevaeh.

"Hey" I said, walking in, Damien on my trail. He stopped shortly to hug Nevaeh before following me. Once I walked in, I spotted Nina on the couch, on her phone.

"Hey felicas" I greeted her

"Hey" she greeted from the comfort of the couch. Lazy, I thought. I moved over to the love seat and plopped down, Damien following suit.

"So what brings you to La?" Nina directs the question to Damien.

"Just checking out labels that want to sign me"

"Oooo you should sign with Syco Music so you can introduce us to one direction" Nevaeh said excitedly.

"Well Syco Music never contacted me so..."

"No fun" Nevaeh pouted, plopping on the recliner.

Nevaeh pout soon disappeared as we caught up. It was weird without the others but we had fun with just the 4 of us.

"You good?" I whispered to him as the girls talked.

"Yeah, you guys are... interesting"


It was 2 in the morning before we actually left, I had work at 11 today and I needed my rest.

"Bye" I hugged each of my friends before heading out.

"So um we can share a bed, or you can take my bed and I can sleep in Phoenix since she's out of town?"

"It doesn't matter to me"

"Well we are going to have to share a bed the rest of the week so..." I trailed off.

"Let's share then" he laughed.

"Okay, I'm going to shower real fast, make yourself at home, there another bathroom if you want to use it"


"Here" I grabbed a towel and wash cloth from my draw.

"Thanks." I retrieved a towel for myself, spandex, and an oversized tee shirt. Was it weird that I didn't wear underwear or a bra to sleep? Well I don't care if it is. I grabbed my speakers last before walking to the bathroom.

"So which side do you want?" I asked as I entered my room, turning on my fan that turned on the roof of my room, and throwing my stuff in my laundry basket.

"Doesn't matter" I look up at Damien for the first time and noticed all he was wearing was basketball shorts.

"Um are you looking for shirt?" I asked confused.

"No" he replied confused,

"Um okay" I replied awkwardly. I grabbed my colorful polka dot blanket from the end of the bed and lay down on my small pink fluffy pillow that sat onto of my long black one.

"You sleep on top of the duvet?" Damien asked as he shut off the light and lift the duvet on the other side and sliding in.

"Yup" I replied, grabbing my phone and checking social media before turning on my alarm and plugging it in to the charge.

"Night" I said.


I kind of want a new signature at the end of each chapter. Comment if you have any friendship quotes


Friendship is a two way street not a one way road


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