Chapter 2(6,105 dollars)

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This chapter is kind of short but here it is. An early update present for all of you lovelies that voted for my book. Thank you for the support now enjoy. I will still be updating Monday as well


"Good morning ladies" Coach Jonathan yelled at us as we gather in the dugout. It was way too early for him to be yelling in my ear.

"Morning coach" we groaned out. Practice hasn't even started and I was already annoyed.

"Okay let's warm up, everyone to the grass" he continued to yell. We moped to the field and began stretching and running.

"Too early!!" I groaned. I was exhausted and was not in the mood to be here 4 o'clock in the morning, my roommate slash team mate Toni had to pull me out of bed.

"Algerreto" Coach called.

"Coach" I called back.

"Come here." I jogged lazily towards him, noticing my future baby daddy standing next to him.

"Go help Alec get the coolers" coach instructs.

"K." Alec turned and walked out the gates of the field, I followed right on his heels. He has a nice butt I thought as I followed him.

"So how do you like the team so far?" Alec asked as we walked side my side.

"Great" was all I could choke out. He gave me a side glance, a smirk plastered on his beautiful face.

"How do you feel about coach?"

"Ugh I hate that he makes us practice sooo early and he's always yelling" I complained.

"He was the same when he taught me baseball"

"Really. How long have you known him?"

"All my life" he said with a secretive smirk.

"Cool" I replied awkwardly. We grabbed the cooler from the car and toted them to the field where the rest of the team was warming up there throws.

"Nevaeh throw with me" Toni called. After I dropped off the cooler, I ran towards Toni and began throwing with her.

"For every ball that is dropped, we are doing bases" coach yelled at us.


My muscles were sore by the end of the practice. We luckily only had to 2 bases. We started off having to do 10 but we worked them off by diving for the ball and getting double outs.

I drove back to my room in jeep and jumped into a hot shower. I dressed in an orangey nude flowy cropped t-shirt, light wash skinny jeans, and black toms. I swiped a few coats of mascara on my lashes, slipped earring shaped as birds in my ear, and braided my hair down my back. I unplugged my s5 from the charger, grabbing my Michael Kors satchel and headed out to run some errands before my first class at 12.


My first class didn't start till 12 but I still found myself waking at 7:30 in the morning. Last night after dinner, I came home and began cleaning out my car because I was going to trade it in. There was nothing wrong with my current car, I just wanted a car that ran low on gas and has great millage. After much researched, I chose to trade in my car for the 2015 Honda civic sedan that just came out the beginning of this month, September. I got my car appraised a few weeks ago and the dealer said that my car is worth around 17,000. With much consideration from my parents, I agreed to come back and trade in my car.

So here I was dressed in jeans, a white V-neck, and my Doc Martens, ready to trade in.

"Are you sure?" the dealer, Sam, questioned me.

"100 percent"

"Okay let me write up the paper work" he said before heading to the back.

"You're sure I'm getting the right deal?" I asked Tyler, Phoenix boyfriend. He was no future mechanic of the world but he knew a few things about cars so he tagged along to make sure I wasn't getting scammed.

"Positive" he smiled.


"Okay let's fill out this paperwork" Sam said as he came back.

An hour later, I was done signing and the 2015 White Honda Civic Ex-l Sedan was mine. I didn't drive it out the lot however because they had to ship it to the dealership, tint the windows, and install the Viper Smart Start so I can start my car with just my phone. They said it should all be done by next week.

"How much do you owe still?" Tyler asked as he began driving back to campus.

"6,105 dollars" I replied.

"Not bad" he responded.

"Tyler stop" I yelled at him as he swerved the car. He ignored me and starting laughing hysterically.

"Did you just fart?" I held my nose at the smell.

"Yup" he replied, winding up and locking the windows.

"You... I hate you. I'm telling Phoenix" I threatened causing him to laugh.

"Wind down the window, it smells and it's hot. I am melting!" I complained.

"No can do" I turned on the A/C expecting cool air but I was just blasted in the face with hot air.

"It's broke" he laughed at my disappointed and irritated face.

"Thanks for the ride" I sarcastically thanked Tyler as I got out of his car.

"Tell Phoenix I'm down here waiting for her"

"She's in class" I yelled back before I entered my dorm/apartment building, walking by my RA and towards the evaluator to the second floor and to my room. I stuck my key into the door. When you first walk in, there's a short hallway with a small coat closet to the left and as you continue to walk the kitchen is on the left and my room directly across. Once you pass my room, there's a bathroom next to my room and across from the bathroom is Phoenix's room and adjacent was Courtney's rooms and directly across from hers is another bathroom. The rooms were a substantially big size and I loved how it was more of an apartment than a dorm. 3 to 4 people lived in one apartment dorm instead of sharing with 1 person in one room with no privacy.

I didn't feel like going back to sleep so I just watched season two of The Fosters on Netflix on my old MacBook, this thing was running out of space rapidly, I really needed to invest in a new one. Which reminded me that I need to go job hunting.

The buzzing of my phone broke me from my binge watch.

"Hi mom" I said, putting my phone on speaker.

"Hey honey"

"So I have a new car"

"Is it the one you wanted?"

"Yes very much. It's just simpler now"

"How much do you owe still"

"6 grand"

"Okay well your father and I have a proposition for you and your sister. We have talked to Nina and she's in"


"So we agreed to pay off Nina's car completely and we would do the same for your new car and we are also paying for your college, but in exchange we need you two get jobs, keep your grades up, and start paying your own expenses like food and such, you phone contract is ending in a week by the way" I contemplated the idea. I was already going to get a job so there wasn't much to think about.

"Deal" I agreed.


Friendship is a two way street not a one way road


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