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Though they were going to be 17 forever, Tabitha and Seth decided, years in the future, that they wouldn't mind adopting children together. They were - under no circumstances - allowing the children into the Manor, for obvious reasons, so they moved back into Seth's little home in preparation. However, Analetta explained to them things they hadn't thought about in their excitement, such as that their children would grow older than them, and that something may happen to Seth and/or Tabitha (moving on somehow) that would leave the children without parents. The couple, though extremely disappointed and very upset - Tabbi cried for weeks afterwards - decided that they could definitely never have children. Instead, years later, the couple decided to become foster parents. Children would move in and out of their home whilst waiting to move into their forever homes, with proper adoptive parents. Tabitha and Seth, though forever regretting their inability to have permanent children, loved what they did, and appreciated every memory made.

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