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Thank you for reading the official story.

I would like to take a moment to encourage those of you struggling with the issues raised in this book - most importantly, suicide - to seek immediate help. You deserve to live and you deserve to live fully, and your family and friends need you here. You would be surprised how many people will be willing to talk to you, even if you worry now that you would be shunned. Your loved ones want you here and they want to help you.
Just as the death of Tabitha in Dream for the Dead destroyed her mother, it will destroy your loved ones, too.

If you believe you have nothing left to live for, remember the last thing that made you smile. The last delicious meal you had that really hit the spot. The last laugh you had with your family/friends. The last movie you watched that made you laugh, or cry, or happy. Are you content with that being your last? I'm sure you would love to experience those things again.

You can't if you are no longer around.

Remember, you don't want to die. You want to either stop hurting or feel something. You will, if you let yourself live and seek help. You've gotten over these bumps before, you will again.
I'd also like to add that most survivors of suicide attempts will tell you they regretted it instantly. I can personally attest to this. You will want to go back as soon as you take action. Please, seek help - don't act on passing thoughts.
They will pass.

I will list some helpful resources below:

LifeLine Australia number: 13 11 14
Samaritans UK number: 116 123
LifeLine USA: 1800 273 8255
Crisis Services Canada: 1833 456 4566

If your country is not listed above, please seek help from your loved ones or local organisation. We want you here. The world needs you.

Thank you.

From this point on, you will find facts about DFTD as well as some spin-off chapters. I hope you enjoyed the original story and enjoy the extras.

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