Two Days

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I looked up into his eyes, his golden eyes. He shook his head, and we parted.

"We should clean up some of your cuts Kat. Lets go and sit in the dining room. If you can make it." I nodded again, to afraid to talk. We had a moment and it ended as quickly as it started. I sighed as he opened the door of his bedroom.

I again wound up sitting in his dining room again being taken care of. Wipes stinging my broken skin. Mr. Cobb walked in and helped.

"It looks like you may have sprained your wrist, but other than that a lot of cuts and bruises. You will hurt even more tomorrow."

"Great, because that is what I need right now." I was angry, I didn't want to hurt more.

"Katherine," Mr Cobb had finished wrapping my wrist. "This weekend I could run the tests. It would take some time to set up equipment, but I could have it ready by Saturday. But I think it is best if you go home now. It is a lot to take in, a lot to understand. Phone if you need anything Kat. Anything at all, we are here for you." I started to break down. I was crying again. Damn these tears.

"I'm sorry. It is just you are more concern about me then my own family." I stopped here, what if it as true they weren't my own family. Jesse grabbed my hand.

"Stop thinking the worst. Here I will walk you home Kat." That is what he did, we walked in total silence all the way home. I walked up the pathway, it stones cracking and old. The house, familiar in its blue and white colours. The curtains were suddenly pulled back, my father's face. It suddenly disappeared and he was at the front door.

"Katherine! Get inside!" My father was threatening; he glanced towards Jess and glared at him. I turned to him.

"It is okay you head home, if anything happens I will let you know." I whispered to him and showed him his number which was on my good wrist. I walked the rest of the way to the door, once inside it slammed closed.

"How dare you embarrass us?" He screamed, I was sure Jess had heard that.

"I am sorry father, I didn't mean too." I was going to take the agreeing with everything approach. It was easier than disagreeing.

"You walked to school with him, sat at the same table. Katherine if you are attempting to hurt our family it isn't working. You will not drag anyone of us down with you. Stop being so selfish." I started to walk away from him, upstairs to my bedroom. He pulled on my wrist, I winced.

"Stop that!" I was angry, tired and sore. "I am not sorry, I am not going to stop hanging with Jesse." I walked upstairs. I was just on the last step when I heard him mumble.

"This was only a matter of time."

It was late. Everyone went to bed. I snuck downstairs to grab something to eat. I couldn't face them at dinner.

A granola bar and the family photo album. I walked back to my room. Turning on my desk light and sitting down. I looked I saw my mum happy as she held me. She was smiling. I flipped the pages back a few pages, my mother pregnant. Smiling, she never seemed to smile now. Never seemed to look at me with the same gaze.

I sat there; she was pregnant, with me. It wasn't possible. I heard shuffling outside y door. I grabbed one of the pictures and turned off my light. When it was quiet again I went and put the book back. I clutched the picture, two days I thought. Two days till I know.

School was different. I now was ignored. Jess and I were fine with that. I didn't have to go to art for a while since my wrist was sprained. Instead I did what homework I had, in the library, or I would read.

One more day.

"Katherine, you seem distant today."

"Sorry Jess. I am just worried. I found a picture of my mom, I am not adopted. I am a townie. There is no reason to run the test." I shoved my mother's picture into Jesse's hand.

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