Persistance (Minho)

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"Minhoooo," you whine and drag your feet as you follow him.

"Y/N," Minho replies, drawing out your name like you had to his.

He continued walking to the Runners hut to help Thomas find the correct maps. It was his first time going running with someone other than Minho, and he was worried to say the least. Thomas was the newest Runner the Glade had.

"What are you doing?" you ask curiously.

"Helping Thomas," Minho answers and steps through the doorway of the room. You follow him in, being a Runner yourself.

When he comes to a stop, you stop behind him and rest your chin on his shoulder, frowning. He talks to Thomas and tries to makes sure he knows where he's going, but Thomas is distracted by your pouting face.

Minho realizes it and turns around, grabbing your shoulders. You smirk at him and raise an eyebrow.

"Y/N," Minho says. "I need like five minutes alright?"

Your face falls and you sigh heavily as Minho turns back around. So you wait five minutes exactly, sitting in an empty chair to your left.

You're about to say something when Thomas sees you getting up and finishes his talking with Minho. He jogs out the door and heads to the Maze.

Minho turns to face you slowly. You had your arms crossed and an odd smile resting on your lips. He sighs and chuckles a little.

"Okay Y/N what do you want?"

You shrug. "I don't know, it's our day off and I haven't seen you for ages because you've been training Thomas. I just want to spend time with you," you say happily and grab his warm hand.

He raises an eyebrow, thinking, but shakes his head after a moment. "I can't. I have to work on adding the new section to the map."

You let out a defeated sigh. Wait. "I'm a Runner too," you start. "I can help."

Minho narrows his eyes. "Does that mean help me map, or annoy me while I work?"


Minho groans and wipes a hand down his face.


It was a nice day out so you and Minho decided to take an empty map and sit under a tree. Minho immediately began sketching the long hallways and turns, and you helped him. At first, anyways.

After a couple minutes you give a loud sigh and push the map off of Minhos lap.

"Y/N what are you doing?" he asks, a slight hint of annoyance in his voice.

You don't say anything but just make an inhuman grunting noise as you turn yourself around so you can rest your head on his lap instead. You stare up to him with an innocent smile but he doesn't play along.

He picks up the map again and places it on your forehead. Was he seriously using your face as a table now? You feel the light pencil marks he makes and you purse your lips.

"Much better, thanks Y/N," Minho comments and continue to make marks on the paper.

You'd had your last straw. Your hand finds the paper and you take it off of your face, leaving Minho to wait for you to give it back.

You don't though, and instead you sit up and kneel next to Minho, holding it behind your back.

Minho doesn't have to say anything, he just gives you a look that clearly is taking you to give it back. But you knew you could be as stubborn as he was.

You raise your eyebrows at him, imitating the look he was giving you. He heaved a sigh and leans forward, reaching for the map behind you. You take the opportunity of his closeness to push your lips to his quickly.

He stops moving and kisses you back for a second before pulling away. "Okay can I have my map now?" he asks with a much happier and lighter tone.

You pause. "I'll think about it."

Before he could say anything you put the map on the grass behind you and push his sitting form to the ground. He's laying on his side now with an amused expression. You lay next to him and flash a smile to him.

"It's a good thing I love you, Y/N," he laughs and presses his lips to yours again.

When you pull away, you smile lightly and murmur: "Finally. I've been waiting to hear you say that all day."

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