Popcorn (Newt AU)

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You hurry down the isle of the movie theatre with an excited smile on your face. You grip the bucket of popcorn closer to you and step into a nearly empty row of seats. Luckily, where you lived, a lot of people didn't go to see scary movies in theaters, or at all really. There were only twenty people in the theatre at the most. Your best friend Brenda follows close behind you.

You take your seat, picking carefully since you had almost anywhere to choose from. You sit in the middle of the row, center of the room. Perfect. Brenda snickers at your giddy expression and rolls her eyes, taking her seat next to you.

A couple more people filed in and you ate a couple pieces of popcorn, waiting excitedly for the movie to start. Brenda nudged you and pointed to a boy with blond hair who sat a row in front of you and you shrugged. He knew the good places to sit too, you guessed. Brenda rolled her eyes again when you didn't take notice of how attractive he was.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the movie's opening rumble sounded and you sunk back in your chair a little. Brenda took a handful of popcorn and shoved the entire thing into her mouth, making loud crunches which you glared at her for.

"You're so lady-like," you snicker.

"Does it look like I'm on a date?" she said behind a mouthful of popcorn.

You shake your head and turn back to the movie. Screams filled the movie theatre as the first scene starts and shows a woman running from something in her home. You try to ignore Brenda's comments on the woman's obvious clumsiness and continue to watch.

Around halfway through the movie, Brenda groans. "How long is this thing?"

You shush her and she groans again. She shovels another handful of popcorn in and sinks lower in her chair. You swore sometimes hanging out with her was like being her babysitter. But you loved her regardless.

Everything got quiet and suddenly in the movie, the killer jumped out from the darkness, startling you and making you yelp. You jump and the popcorn goes flying from your grasp and spills over the blond boy that had sat in front of you. Your eyes go wide and you lean over quickly.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry," you apologize rapidly.

The boy in front of you looks down at his new popcorn sweater and laughs quietly. "Hey, I don't see the problem here, love."

He picks off a piece and pops it into his mouth, flashing you a bright smile. You immediately picked up on his sweet British accent and your heart beats a little quicker. Yeah, now you could see what Brenda was pointing to earlier. He was super good looking.

You hear Brenda's muffled yet still loud laughs behind you. You try to ignore her as you start to help the boy clean up the spilled popcorn. At least off of him. There was nothing you could really do about the pieces that had fallen on the ground.

After most of the popcorn was off of him, he hands you the quarter-filled bucket and smiles sheepishly at you. "Sorry your popcorn was wasted."

You shake your head and laugh. "No, I'm sorry that I spilled it all over you. I scare easily, I guess."

He smiles and looks in your eyes. "My names Newt, by the way," he says quietly.

You return his long gaze. "Y/N," you reply.

Newt bends his arm awkwardly and tries to shake your hand. You laugh at the silliness and try to move closer so he didn't hand to move as much. This would be a lot easier if he wasn't a row in front of you.

After the movie was over, and after most of the people in the audience had shushed you at least once, you exit the theatre and wait for Newt to come out with the crowd.

Brenda stands beside you, smirking with her arms folded. "You like him."

"Do not. I just met him!"

"And? Honey I only saw him in the dark theatre and I can't say I wasn't at least a little attracted to his silhouette."

You roll your eyes. "I don't like him, you grumble. Maybe it was a little lie, but you weren't sure who you were lying to.

Newt emerges behind a group of three people and he smirks at you. He runs a hand through his hair and walks up to Brenda and you.

"Wow you're way better looking in the light," Brenda says in one breath. She looks him up and down and gulps. "I need some air." And with that, she walks out the door.

You're left standing with Newt, playing with your fingertips. "Again, I'm so sorry for making such a mess on you. I hope I didn't ruin the movie for you or anything."

Newt shakes his head. "No of course not. In fact, I might even let you spill your drink on me if it meant I could take you to a different scary movie. But maybe less jump scares, don't you think?"

You nod numbly. "Yeah," you chuckle lightly. "And maybe not as much popcorn."

Newt grinned. "Maybe not."

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