Beginning to end part 2 (Newt)

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You stared at your lunch roll, expressionless. You were deep in thought, wondering why Newt would end things like that. He said he just didn't feel that way anymore, but you knew better. People don't just wake up one day and decide that everything they've done, experienced, and felt with a person wasn't real. You knew for a fact that he was in love with you, not just hanging onto hope.

You'd only talked with him once since he broke up with you, two days ago. He was concerned for you but you assured him that you were fine. You were the farthest thing from fine, but it's what he needed to hear.

After lunch, Minho races you down the hall to your bunks. "Minho that's not fair!" you pout, coming to a stop at the door to your rooms.

"And why not?" He asks with a smirk.

"You were a Runner! I was a Med-Jack. There's a little difference there."

Minho shrugged and swung his arm around you playfully. "Hey, you agreed to racing me. You didn't have to."

You mutter something under your breath. You knew he was right but still. Unfair.

Newt watched as Minho threw his arm around you and something sparked in him. He took an involuntary step back. He wasn't...jealous. He didn't get jealous. Especially when it was about a girl he'd just broken up with! No, he was probably just tired.

But still, he couldn't help but remember how it felt to have his arm around you, holding you close. Keeping you safe from the Grievers and the Glade and the entire world. He shook his head and turned away. Nothing was the same anymore. Everything had changed.

You stayed awake that night, staring up at the bunks ceiling. You couldn't stop your racing thoughts, no one really could. Besides, sleep was pointless to you. Every time you fell asleep, you saw the Grievers gnashing mouths and pointed needles. Nightmares were everything your nights consisted of. You knew you weren't the only one though. Some boys screamed until they woke up. Newt was one of them.

Minho usual snore was silent tonight. You turned around on your top bunk to look at the one behind you. Minhos eyes stared up at the ceiling, just as yours had.

"Shuck face," you whisper with a grin.

Minho pushes himself up and stares at your curiously. "What are you doing awake?"

"Couldn't sleep."

Minho just nods. He starts crawling over to you until he's sat next to you against the wall. "There now we don't have to whisper so loud."

"It's still loud," Frypan grumbles and turns over. You snicker in the dark.

Minho puts on a serious face. "How are you doing, you know, with every thing?"

Your smile fades into a dead expressionless one. "I'm okay."

Minho shakes his head. "I know you're not."

You sigh. "Then stop asking. I'll be fine."

Minho just nods again and takes your hands in his. Your mouth twitches into a grimace when he does and he immediately drops them. "Sorry."

"No, no it's okay, I just..." you sigh and push a hand through your hair. "I think I'll try to sleep now, Minho."

"Okay," he says quietly and moves back to his top bunk.

You bury yourself in blankets and fight your watering eyes. You didn't realize how much a simple gesture as Minho grabbing your hands would hurt. As soon as he touched them, all the memories from Newts warm hands came back. The memories when those hands held your face in them as he kissed you for the first time. The memories where those hands carried you to the Med-Jacks when you sprained your ankle. When his hands didn't let go of yours until he knew you were going to be okay.

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