Change (Newt)

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Minho sinks down next to Newt who was sitting against a tree.

"Do you love her?"

"What?" Newt asks and nearly spits out his drink in surprise.

"Y/N. Do you love her?" Minho takes a drink out of his jar and stares into the dark Glade.

"Yes...wait, do you?"

Minho doesn't say anything but takes another sip. Newt huffs. "Bloody great situation we're in, isn't it?"

"Just another day in this stupid place," is all Minho says before they're both silent.


You polish off the end of the needle and set it back on the medical tray. You'd been a med-jack for a year now and you were pretty good of you had to say so.

Someone knocks on the door and enter the hut. It was Newt. Your heartbeat races and you smile at him.

"Hey Newt, you doing alright?" You examined him and saw that there wasn't any blood and he didn't look to be in too bad of pain, so you weren't panicking.

"Oh yeah yeah, just my ankle again. Have you got anything?" Newt limps over to the bed and watched as you rifle through the endless bottles of painkillers. Needless to say, the Gladers really hit and missed a lot when training. Especially training with the slicers.

You pull out a clear bottle of the medicine you usually gave Newt. He said it worked the best so that's what you'd give him. Sad that his ankle still caused him pain though, after nearly a year. You hand him a couple pills and put the bottle back.

When you hand him the water to help the pills go down, he takes your wrist with his fingers gently. Your heart jumps and you stare into his eyes with a question.

"Y/N I..." He looks from your eyes to the floor and back to your eyes. "I really like you. You're sweet and gentle..."

Newt stands and meets your eye level. Your breathing halted and you stare into his eyes. He leans in until you faces are an inch apart, and you make the last push. Your lips touch and a deep warmth within you is set ablaze.

Someone clears their throat and both you and Newt turn to look at them. It was Minho. "I was going to ask about for something for my headache, but I can see you two are busy."

He starts to walk back out the door and you glance back at Newt. You bite your lip. "Wait, Minho."

Newt looks to the ground, a little disappointed, and takes the pills with the water you handed him. He nods at you and passes Minho out the door. You could swear the room got ten degrees cooler with the looks they gave each other.

Minho comes to a stop in front of you and you scratch the side of your head. "Uh, so how long have you had the headache?"

"Well, how long has Newt been in the Glade?" Minho frowns. Newt was his friend but for some reason seeing him kiss you hurt Minho. Badly.

You give Minho an annoyed look. He rolls his eyes. "About an hour or so."

You nod and go to find more painkillers, but for headaches this time. You'd have to send a note back in the box soon if the Gladers kept using them like candy. 

You hand Minho the painkillers and another glass of water. "So what were those looks about? You and Newt?"

Minho swallows the water and pills and stands. "Doesn't matter anymore."

You give a frustrated sigh. "Minho stop being such a slinthead. What's going on?"

"He likes you, I like you. He made the first move, game over for me." Minho folds his arms and eyes the door.

"But I thought you told me you liked me only as a friend?" What was going on here?

"Yeah. I lied. Look, I have to get back to work." Minho then turned and walked out the door the the Glade without another word. You knew he only acted like such a shuck face when he was hurt, or defensive.

The only problem was that you liked him too.


"-you saying, slinthead?"

"I'm not bloody saying anything! You're the one who started this!"

You set down the tools you were cleaning and listen to the two boys fighting. Was that Minho and Newt? What were they fighting over now? You rush outside to see them yelling in each others faces with an ever growing group of boys around them.

"You think you're the only one she likes, Newt? She's told me long before that she liked me, even before she had feelings for you!"

"What does that matter? It's not a competition of who's known who longest. It's for her to decide, and if you respect her, you'll let her do just that."

You push through the outer circle of boys and break through to see Newt with his arms crossed and Minho with anger bubbling up. They needed to be separated now.

You grabbed Minhos arm and dragged him away from the group, knowing that if he were going to lash out, you're the only one who could stop him.

"What the heck, Minho? Why are you acting as if I'm some prize to be won?"

"I'm not trying to! It's just Newt! He's driving me insane. If I had told you I liked you before this, there wouldn't be this problem, yeah?"

"Maybe," you said and sat back on your left leg. "But that doesn't excuse what you're doing now."

"Well I'm just saying that it's obvious that you should be with me! I liked you first and have always treated you with respect." Minho looked at you but his eyes were shifting other places as if he knew he were wrong.

"Well yeah, except for now," you muttered. "Newts always been sweet to me. You've just been a jerk lately. He is letting me choose, you're declaring why I should be with you."

"Okay so what are you trying to say?" Minho grumbled.

"I'm telling you why I choose him and not you. Maybe before everything happened and we all changed in this stupid place we could've been together, but not now," you say softly. You watch as Minhos expression goes from hard to realization.

You knew he wasn't going to say anything more so you walk away, leaving him behind in your tracks. Maybe you liked Minho and Newt, but now it was obvious who you actually loved. It had always been Newt.

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