Listen (Newt)

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You drum your fingers against the wooden table, your head resting in your other hand. You could smell the faint scent of pine and rain, making you smile. You loved they way the Glade smelled sometimes.

"Y/N!" Alby called. You stood with a sigh from one of Frypans tables and strode over to the leader of the Glade. He waited with an impatient stare and you hurried to close the large distance between you. "I need you to run these to a couple Gladers. Their names should be on it."

You stare down at the three small packages. They were flat enough you could carry all three in your arms. You guessed they were new clothes, for the Runners most likely. Alby walked off then, as if the conversation hadn't even happened. Sometimes you felt so ignored in the Glade just because you were a girl. How ironic was it? You'd think you'd get more attention because of it.

You recognized the names. Ben, Minho, and Thomas. They'd just gotten back from running, so you guessed they'd be in the Runners shack. You start to make your way back to the Deadheads.

Nearly tripping over branches and rocks, you finally make it to the hut. You were about to knock when you hear voices echoing behind the door, especially one that stood out to you. Newts British accent rang out as clearly as a bell.

"Y/N? What about her?" You could almost see his curious expression that you'd observed so many times before. Your heart raced at the thought of him talking about you. You'd liked him for ages, but always assumed he'd never felt the same.

"Well, what do you think of her? Do you like having her in the Glade?" Minho. Why were they talking about you anyways? What interest could you even have to them?

"Do I like having her in the Glade?" Newt scoffed. "Are you out of your bloody mind? Of course I don't. It's actually probably the worst thing to-"

You didn't want to hear the rest. You placed the packages down outside the huts door and began to walk away, pressing a hand to your mouth to contain your ragged breathing. They couldn't know you'd heard them. They couldn't know-

A rock that seemed to grow out of the ground tripped you and sent you spiraling into the moss and twig covered ground. You let out a groan and pushed yourself back up hurriedly. Had they heard you? You prayed they hadn't, it would make everything worse.

But of course, inevitably, they had. Minho rushed out followed by Newt and Thomas. Minho nearly stepped on the packages before scanning the area for who had made the sound. You slipped behind a tree all too late.

"Y/N?" Newt called.

You mutter under your breath and don't move. Maybe he hadn't actually seen you. You laugh at yourself. False hope was the worst.

You hear Newts light footsteps jogging towards you and without thinking, you start running. He'd seen you for sure now, but if you could get away, maybe you didn't have to face him. But what a silly idea that was, wasn't it? He used to be a Runner, and even if he had a limp, he was still twice as fast as you.

A hand gripped your elbow and spun you around. Newts shocked expression turned to guilt when he saw your broken one. You hadn't realized it, but tears made their way down your cheeks and you wiped at them furiously. You felt weak and pathetic for crying in front of him.

"Y/N...listen I didn't mean it like that I-" Newt scrambled for words, but seemed to lose them every time he looked into your soft, hurt eyes.

"Save it Newt," you whisper and shake your head. "You don't need to explain yourself to me."

Newt hurried to steal words to say to you, but you'd already ripped your arm from his grip and began walking into the Glade. You knew exactly where you were going and you hated yourself for not doing it sooner.

"Y/N please wait," Newt cried and jogged to catch up with you.

You kept walking and he kept a steady pace with you. "You know, Newt," you said shakily, lip quivering and breathing ragged. "The only reason I stayed in this shucking place was because of you. But I guess you were never actually a reason to stay,were you? Now I have nothing."

Newt stopped walking and his eyes went wide with fear. "No no no, you're not going anywhere, do you hear me?"

You whipped around to face him with furious eyes. "What does it matter to you, Newt? You've made it perfectly clear that you don't want me here so I'll just make it easier for you and leave."

You kept marching forward, the Maze doors looking more and more appealing every step you got closer to them. You wanted so badly to escape this place, to leave even if it meant never coming back. There was nothing for you here. The boys didn't need you, and they'd made that perfectly clear. But you stayed, for Newt. He was the only kind one to you, and you scolded yourself for even thinking he could've liked you. No, he'd just taken pity on you.

Newt ran ahead of you and stopped in front of you, placing his hands on your shoulders. "Stop! Okay? You didn't hear the whole truth."

You rolled your eyes. "Spare me." You honestly didn't need your heart stepped on further.

"No, listen to me! Y/N," He stopped your attempt to start walking again and stared into your eyes. "I can't explain what I'm trying to say or what I feel so I'm just going to..."

Newt bit his lip and leaned in until his lips were touching yours. You furrowed your eyebrows, confused. You nearly pushed him away because you were sure he was just trying to save himself guilt, but the way his lips were so gentle and sweet on yours told you that this was genuine. Newt wasn't doing this as a last act of playing hero to stop the girl from running into a dangerous situation, or to put his conscience to rest. He was kissing you because he cared about you.

When he pulled away, you breathed out quickly. "What the heck, Newt?"

He shook his head and his hands slid from your cheeks. "I'm not taking back what I said. I don't want you in the Glade."

You stopped breathing and furrowed your eyebrows. Was he having mixed feelings about you or could he honestly just not make up his mind?

"I don't want you in danger. I don't want you to be stuck here. I don't want you to be forced to live here. I want you to be out of this bloody prison and somewhere where you're happy." Newt searched your eyes for any clue that you believed his desperate words. "I was trying to say earlier that it's one of the worst things to be stuck here and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Especially not you."

You stare back at him, frozen in place. Did Newt just declare his feelings for you? When you were so sure just two minutes ago that he wanted nothing more than your absence?

"Please say something," Newt whispered. He stared into your eyes and waited.

"Wha...I-I don't...why did you just...but I don't..." you sputtered out several words, none of which made sense together. Apparently you'd forgotten how to speak English fluently.

Newt wrapped his arms around your back tightly and pressed you against him in a warm hug. Your arms numbly found their way to the back of his neck and you stared into the distance behind him.

When he pulled away he found your eyes and gave a small smile. You forced out a couple words, hoping that this time they'd made sense.

"You like me?" It was just a whisper of disbelief but you knew he'd heard it.

"Well, yeah," he murmured sheepishly. "I can never get your face out of my mind and the way you talk and even how you smell, bloody heck Y/N, you're driving me mad." Newt scratched the back of his neck.

"You really could've just said that from the beginning," you muttered with a shake of your head and laughed.

"Sorry," he chuckled and pulled you in close. You could smell pine and rain on him and it relaxed you. "Forgive me?"

You press your lips to his as your yes. You knew the other Gladers were watching with intense curiosity but you didn't mind. All you cared about was the boy in your arms, and all he cared about was the girl in his.

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