Humility (Minho)

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Minho ran out of the Maze with a smug grin on his face.

"How did everything go?" Alby asked and followed Minho to the Runners Hut.

"Good, as always. I mean, it's me, Alby. What did you expect?"

Alby rolls his eyes. "Right. Well when your ego climbs down from that mountain its on, come tell me."

Minho watched Alby leave and shrugged. Thomas ran in a minute later, completely out of breath.

"What took you so long, Thomas?" Minho laughed.

Thomas shot a glare. "Not all of us are as fast as you, shuck face."

Another smug grin from Minho. "I know."


When the box blared it usual screeching alarm, Minho turned to Thomas. "Five laps says he's a Slopper," Minho bets.

Thomas shakes his head. "You're on. I think they're going to be a Runner."

Minho huffs and runs alongside Thomas to the ever growing crowd of Gladers. In the middle was the box that held the new Greenie. All the boys waited anxiously to see what he looked like.

Minho moved to the front and opened he door panels, feeling in charge. Except, his confident smile slipped from his mouth as soon as he saw who was inside.

"W-what?" Minho says under his breath.

It was you. A girl.


Your frost week in the Glade was rough. The rest of the boys stared at you like you were some foreign substance. Others were a little too happy to be around you. And Minho...Minho just made you laugh most of the time.

Whenever he wasn't running, Ed hang around you. You found him silly at times, and surprisingly a little clumsy.

Alby noticed too. He watched from the Homestead as Minho walked next to you, staring intently at your eyes. He tripped over a rock but caught himself. Alby chuckled and shook his head.

"Shanks got himself a crush," he muttered humorously.

Newt stepped up next to him and crossed his arms. "Who has what?"

Alby motioned to Minho with a smile on his face. Newt watched as you bent down and picked a flower. Minho tried resting against a tree but his arm slipped and he fell.

"What's wrong with him?" Newt asked, concerned.

"He's distracted. Look at him. He can't stay on his own two feet!" Alby let out a loud laugh.

Newt furrowed his eyebrows until he saw you. Then he knew exactly what was happening.

"Does this mean I can trip him and he won't be mad?"

Alby rolled his eyes. "No, Newt."

"Tease him?" Newt raised his eyebrow hopefully.

"I could allow that. After all, he needs a little humility."


You were really beginning to like Minho. He was strong, fast, and as sarcastic as you. But he did beat you in sass.

Lately a couple of the Gladers had been making faces at Minho, ones that you were always too late to see but saw Minhos glare back at them. You would raise an eyebrow but he'd just shake his head. Eventually you discovered that they were kissy-faces they were making at Minho. This only made your cheeks go a bright red and you often pretended not to notice.

When Minho sat with you at lunch, he'd talk about your job testing and how it went. A lot of the time you say it went fine, but, well today wasn't as great.

"I swear I nearly killed everyone in that place," you shake your head and shudder. Being a Slicer was not for you.

Minho laughed. "Well at least you're not as bad as Winston was when he started. We were so close to making him a Slopper. Personally I think we still should."

Winston rolled his eyes. "Hey stop tellin' her lies. Slim it and eat your food or I'm telling Frypan you don't like it. And you know how he gets."

Minho nodded with his smile slipping off his face quickly. He ate some of his soup and turned back to you. To the left of you, you could hear Winston gasping in astonishment that Minho had took his advice for once. Minho didn't notice.


The next day, you were helping Minho in the morning before the Maze doors opened.

"You know," you say and help Minho slip on his Runners vest. "I'm gonna be a Runner one day."

Minho stops and turns to you. "A Runner?"

You nod confidently. "Yep. And I'm gonna be better than even you, the king of the Runners," you tease.

Minho gives a calm half smile. At this he knew he'd have to pay up to Thomas, but he didn't care.

"Maybe you will."

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