Sing (Newt)

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You were so tired. Of running. Of this stupid endless Maze. You stop jogging and put your hands on your knees, trying to breathe steadily. Maybe you could take a break. After all, it'd been a while that you'd been running. Minho wouldn't mind, right?

You slide your back down a maze wall and sit at the base of it, feeling the pebbles of the concrete dig into your back, but you were used to it. You clear your throat and are surprised when the sound echoes. A small smile slips into your lips and you have an idea.

Once you were singing, you didn't want to stop. Somehow this part of the Maze amplified every drop and rise of your voice, letting it carry to other parts of the Maze, you were sure. You thought that maybe Minho could even hear it. He would be so confused.

In the Glade, as the Gladers worked, Newt found it peculiar that one by one, the boys would slow their task and stand upright, stopping their work completely. That was, until he heard it too.

The soft voice was hypnotic, and everyone soaked it in hungrily. Some rested against trees as they listened, others just stood there, listening. Newt put down the hoe he was using and a small smile grew on his face. He knew exactly what he was hearing.

After a couple minutes of singing, you realize that it's probably time you should start your way back. Even though you want to stay and share another couple minutes of yourself with the Maze, you knew it was only a matter of time until you were back again. You made a note to come back here tomorrow.

You meet Minho at the last turn before the Maze doors, like you always did, and you exit together. The Gladers were all looking at you, and some even clap. Your cheeks go red. You didn't think your voice carried that far.

"Minho you sure got a nice voice," Frypan jokes and slaps him on the shoulder.

He rolls his eyes but elbows you in the side. It wasn't much, but you knew it was his way of telling you that he'd heard you too. Was there anyone who hadn't?

Not long after your return, the builders start setting up the bonfire and Gally starts to make his signature drink that everyone always drank too much of. The new Greenie had arrived while you were running, and you were sure he was probably confused as you were at the new surroundings of the Maze. You probably didn't help them at all with your singing that apparently everyone heard.

Once the bonfire is lit and Gallys drinks are passed around, the Gladers start their usual wrestling match and you roll your eyes at them. You opted to sit by Newt at the fire instead.

You handed Newt a drink which he accepted but only sipped at. You knew he wasn't really one for the drink, but occasionally he would drink one.

"So that was you in the Maze this morning, huh?" Newt asks and swirls the murky liquid in the jar.

You nod slowly. "Yeah, I didn't think everyone would hear me," you chuckle lightly.

"Well I'm glad I did, really. You have an amazing voice."

Your cheeks heat up and you manage to mutter a thank you. Coming from the others was one thing, but Newt? You didn't realize how it would effect you.

"Actually," Newt starts and turns towards you. "Do you mind singing for me?"

You nearly spit out Gallys drink. "N-now?"

Newts eyes light up happily and he nods. You blink in surprise and laugh a little.

"Okay...yeah. I can do that," you say.

Newt waits patiently and you begin singing again. Singing in the Glade was different than the Maze. There were people around, and you felt like somehow they'd be annoyed this time around.

But they weren't. In fact, some strayed from the wrestling group they were in and lingered by you and Newt for a minute or two, just to listen.

After a couple minutes, your voice starts to fade and you realize how close you and Newt had gotten to each other. His lips were near yours and you move even closer.

"Nice singing, Y/N!" Minho says loudly and claps you on the back, purposely ruining the moment.

"Thanks, shuck face," you say back to him. He laughs mischievously and keeps walking by.

Newt looks from his drink back to you and bites his lip. "You know the moment doesn't have to be ruined."

Your breathing catches and your gaze turns to his soft one. His smile stays as he presses his mouth to yours.

The Maze Runner: One-ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin