Baby do you love me? (Newt)

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Today was the day for the monthly celebration of the new Greenie. They lit the bonfire and all the Gladers sat around the bonfire.

"Alright!" Minho shouted and caught some Gladers attention, including yours. "Anyone who wants to play 'Baby do you love me' come sit down."

You had played 'Baby do you love me' before and it didn't end so well. Thomas was eventually hugging onto one of your legs trying to make you smile. You always did.

You weren't going to play this time but Chuck dragged you into it. You only prayed that Newt wasn't going to play. He was your crush and all the Gladers knew it except for him. And you were bound to keep it that way.

You sat next to Chuck and grinned at the boy. He smiled excitedly back.

Then your smile dropped and shattered on the ground. Newt sat across the circle from you. He winked at you when he saw you and you waved shyly back. He was a good friend and you were totally in love with him, but you were panicking. What if he picked you?

"Okay!" Minho exclaims. "Who doesn't know how to play?"

A couple people raise their hands and he nods.

"Well, you go up to someone and ask them, 'baby do you love me'. If they smile, they're it. If they don't, they say 'baby, or their name, I love you but I just can't smile' and you can ask them again. But this time you can touch them. If they still don't smile, you can do whatever you want," he pauses, wiggling his eyebrows at a couple boys. "After that, if they still didn't smile, they're a robot and you're it again. Got it shanks?"

All the Gladers nod and he claps his hands together. "Winston, you go."

Winston grins and stands. He gives some people devilish looks but suddenly spins around. He turns to Gally.

He kneels in front of Gally, making a creepy face. "Gally, baby, do you love me?"

Gally stares blankly at Winston. "Baby I love you but I just can't smile."

Winston stands and huffs. Round two now.

Winston puts his hands on Gallys cheeks. He asks him the question again. Halfway through saying 'Baby I love you but I just can't smile', Gallys stone face breaks and he jerks away, laughing.

Winston cheers and takes Gallys seat as Gally takes the stand.

The game passes around to other Gladers, even Chuck, who breaks before Tyler even got the question out. Chuck goes to Newt.

"Baby, do you love me?" Chuck gives puppy dog eyes to him. Newt keeps a hard face.

"Baby I love you but I just can't smile."

Chuck groans. Round two. Chuck throws his hands up and sits on Newts lap. "Bab-"

Chuck is interrupted by Newts loud laughter. You watch as his adorable smile melts your heart. Then it hits you.

It was Newts turn.

Newt walks to the middle of the circle and places a hand on his chin. He was deciding who to pick. Your heart races as he turns around in circles.

You sigh in relief as he walks up to Thomas.

Suddenly Newt spins around and is now facing you. You freeze, mid-breath and look up to him slowly.

He gives you an adorable grin and you sit there in shock. He sits in front of you with his legs crossed and you can hear the snickers of the other knowing Gladers around you.

"Baby," Newt whispers, getting lost in your eyes. He stares for a moment before continuing. The Gladers are dead silent, watching.

"Do you love me?" His eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips and you stutter. It was almost as if he were asking you a serious question.

"Baby, I love you but I just can't smile."

You breathe out a sigh of relief as you force the words out. But now he was coming for you again.

He readjusts his position, determined now. His face gets closer to you and you stop breathing. Was he just playing with your emotions now? Because you wanted to close the gap between you two more than anything.

The Glade is still quiet as he asks again.

"Baby, do you love me?"

You force the words out once again, pushing them all out in one breath. "Baby I love you but I just can't smile."

You didn't think you could smile if you wanted. You were so memorized by his eyes and scent...his soft lips shake your head to get out of it.

He chuckles. He gets even closer and you hold your ground, even though he was driving you crazy in the best way.

"Y/N, do you love me?"

You breathe in sharply as he used your name. Did you love him? Yes. But this was just a game and-

Newt interrupts your thoughts as he presses his lips to yours softly. You freeze again, shocked. Then yours melt into his as he kisses you.

Woops, cheers and whistles rise around you from the boys and you smile. He pulls away and you see a light in his eyes that wasn't there before.

"Newt, I love you," you murmur as you smile.

His forehead rests on yours and he flashes a stunning grin at you.

"I bloody love you too," he says as he pushes his lips to yours again.

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