Beginning to end (Newt)

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*Requested where Newt and reader have been a couple since the beginning of the Glade but Newt falls out of love once they escape*

Nothing had been the same since you got out of the Maze, that was obvious. You had beds, food and water at your fingertips, near endless supply of clothing and no walls to keep you in. WICKED was your new home for he moment, and you had to admit it wasn't so bad.

But that wasn't the only thing that had changed. Newt, your boyfriend ever since you arrived in the Glade, was different too. He didn't talk to you the same, wasn't as warm to you as usual. He was...distant and closed off.

You sat next to him on the bench of the long table, Minho being on your other side. A couple of girls from Group B sat on the other half of the table, chattering away. You linked your arm with Newts and he pulled it away almost instantly. Your expression fell and you looked to him with a concerned and worried expression. Had you hurt him in some way?

"I need to talk to you, Y/N," Newt said quietly and stood. A hollow pit started to form in the base of your stomach.

You followed Newt out and to a mostly empty hallway. You leaned against the wall and he did the same next to you.

"Look I don't know if it was the Glade, or a loss of hope," Newt starts and you immediately feel nauseous. This wasn't happening. "But I don't feel the same...around you."

You can feel your hands starting to shake and you hide them behind your back. "W-what do you mean, Newt?"

"I guess I'm trying to say...that, Y/N I don't think I love you anymore."

And in that instant, your entire world was shattered. Every memory you'd made in the Glade, the late nights, the helping each other at the others job, the worry and the fear, all of it was ripped away from you in a second.

"I don't understand," you say shakily but fearlessly.

"Maybe it was just because we were trapped in that Glade, or because you were the only thing I had, but I don't feel what I used to. When I see you, I don't feel a sense of hope, well, because I don't need to anymore. Maybe I was just holding onto you because I didn't have anything else." Newts eyes deepened and you knew he was sorry for hurting you like this.

You were speechless. Of course you knew this was the better way to end things than live in a dull relationship, but heavens why did it have to hurt this much?

"I'm sorry, Y/N." He says gently. He puts a hand on your shoulder and you nod. He walks back into the cafeteria with his quiet footsteps fading.

Ever single memory you had of the both of you came rushing back. You remembered when he first told you he loved you, deep in the Deadheads. He took your hands in his and you knew he meant it. But, why did all of that stop now?

Admittedly, you couldn't say you wished you were still in the Glade just so you could be with him again, but you didn't want to be apart from him either. You take a deep breath and walk into the cafeteria. There was nothing you could do now.

You take your seat next to Minho, who was curious at your broken expression and Newts regretful one. Newt was sitting at the other end of the table now, you were sure it was to give you space.

"Hey what happened?" Minho asked softly.

You shake your head. "He doesn't love me anymore," you breathe.

Minho and a couple of the other Gladers around you suck in a sharp breath.

"What? I thought you guys were the prime couple! Perfect and mature and good. What happened?" Winston frowned.

You shook your head. "Everything, I guess. Things are just different now."

Minho rubbed your back with his palm. "Hey Y/N I'm sorry. But I'll be here to help you through this okay?"

You shake your head. "Minho you're not my therapist. I'll be okay."

"Good! What would I do without my sidekick?" Minho asked.

You laugh half heartedly. "We discussed this. I'm not a sidekick, I'm as equally as strong as you."

Minho gave a relaxed smile. "Yeah you are."

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