Clarity (Newt)

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*Takes place in the Scorch Trials when Thomas and Brenda get separated from the group and end up in the crank party*

"Well where could they've gone?" Newt asks a little frustrated. He pushes a hand through his hair and takes a deep breath. Thomas and Brenda got separated from the group and now no one knew where they were. How great.

"There's usually big crank parties thrown in some of the worn out mansions. If I were them, I would've gone there to ask for help," Jorge states. The group thinks it over and eventually Minho takes the lead.

"Then let's go. Which way is the closest of those creep fests?"

Jorge points to the left, at a sand covered pathway that was littered with debris. You internally groan but push forward. Would you have to fight off more cranks that were past the gone? You sure thought you'd done enough of that lately.

It's not long after you start trudging in the direction Jorge had pointed when you hear the thundering music. It was loud and seemed to vibrate every grain of sand beneath your feet. You wondered how people even had speakers that powerful.

When you see the mansion, you want to turn back around immediately. There were people who seemed to be packed inside until there was no air between them. Some stood outside, getting air or throwing things off the balcony. Ripped cloths and blankets hung from banisters and lanterns were hung in every place you could see, even though it was still light out. People danced, not seeming to even be aware of their surroundings or who they were with.

People, all cranks probably, started to notice your group getting closer. They nudged the people around them until word spread and a woman dressed in bright fabric and big earrings pushed out the door. She gave a wide, fake smile and welcomed you close.

"Welcome to the party! A little late, but that's no matter." Her blond hair was ratted and big, making her seem taller than she actually was.

You nodded and tried to push past her into the largely packed mansion.

"I don't think so," the woman smiled at you. "You didn't think this was free did you? Here," she let her smile drop and pulled out several glass containers filled with light blue liquid. "Everyone who goes in has to drink this."

"What is it?" You ask and take the container slowly.

"Does it matter? Now drink up!"

You glanced at Jorge with a weary expression.

"We don't all need to go in," Jorge declared. "Some of us need to have a clear mind."

You nodded. "I'll do it," you state and take the top off. It didn't look like the most pleasant thing to drink but then again, you'd drank worse things, like Gallys secret recipe. This couldn't be worse than that.

"Don't! I'll-" Newt started but he was too late. The liquid had already slipped down your throat and you gave the glass back to the woman who looked more than satisfied. He'd been to slow to take the liquid first and now if anything happened to you he wouldn't forgive himself.

You shook your head, feeling the effect already kicking in. "Let me in," you mumbled and slipped past the woman.

Newts hand brushed the side of your arm as you stepped into the mansion. The music was impossibly louder and people all around you danced back and forth with no cares at all. No care that they were going to turn into cranks and succumb to the Flare.

You looked for any familiar face, trying to keep a clear mind. You were so easily distracted now, the lanterns catching your eye whenever you saw one. You kept shaking your head.

"No," you whispered. "Think, Y/N. Thomas and Brenda. Where are they?"

You looked at all the faces around you and became horrified when they all looked the same. How were you supposed to find...wait who were you supposed to find? Or was it a thing you were looking for?

The music took control and you let it melt away whatever worry you had. You saw the people around you dancing in the same carefree matter as they smiled and laughed. The lights glimmered and everything looked a little shiny to you. Oh how beautiful it all was.

Someone took your hands and spun you around to the music. You laughed when they dipped you and you felt again the lightheaded sensation deep in your mind. Soon whoever was dancing with you had been dragged away by another blurry face and you were left to stumble through the crowd.

A girl stops in front of you and narrows her eyes a little. She looked a little familiar to you, but you couldn't quite place her. Frankly, you were surprised she looked different from the rest of the people here.

Someone grabbed the back of your arm and you turned. Did someone want to dance with you again? You really loved to dance.

"Y/N? We need to leave. Jorge ran in and he has Brenda and Thomas, now we need to get out!" they started pulling you away from the inviting music and warm air. You panicked and pulled your arm free. "Y/N?"

You looked at the face that wanted to make you leave. They were different than the other faces too. You knew them. "Newt?" You ask slowly.

Newts eyebrows furrow and he nods. "Let's go, they're waiting."

He tries to pull you again but you refuse. "I want to stay," you tell him.

Newt shakes his head. "No, Y/N. You're not thinking clearly. Listen to me," he says and tips your head back to look at him. You'd gotten distracted by another lantern. He stares into your eyes and you stare back. He had such beautiful eyes.

Newt leaned in and touched his lips to yours. The whole world seemed to fall away. The music faded, the people disappeared, and the lanterns burned out. It was just you and him now. You place a hand on the side of his neck and melt into his lips. Your entire body seemed to become aware and hypersensitive. You could feel every breath taken around you, every hair that brushed against your skin.

All too soon, Newt pulled away and looked to your eyes, searching to see if you were focused yet. You were.

"Come on," Newt murmured and took your hand, a little dazed at himself. He'd finally kissed you, something he'd wanted to do since the Glade.

Once you make it outside, your hand doesn't leave Newts. You were still confused about what was going on, but you knew enough to keep following Newt where he took you. You saw the other girl you recognized from the mansion with your group. You were aware enough now to realize it was Brenda.

Once you're at least a mile away from the crank party, Jorge allows everyone to take a break and for you, Thomas, and Brenda to recover.

You sat against a rock, next to Newt. Your head rested on his shoulder to help the extreme heaviness you felt in it.

Newt wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you close. "I'm glad you're alright," he murmured and kissed the top of your head lightly.

"Me too," you sigh and massage your temples with your fingertips. "Thank you for getting me out."

"Of course," he said simply with a small smile. "I couldn't leave you behind, now could I?"

"Well, technically you could."

Newt sticks out his bottom lip and shakes his head. "No. Minho, maybe. But not you."

"Hey," Minho calls from your side and you lift your head to look at him. "Slim it."

You chuckle and rest your head on Newts shoulder again, letting your eyes slip shut for a while.

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