Training accident (Gally)

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It was your first week in the Glade. Everyone kept calling you 'Greenie' and 'Shank' which made the entire thing even more confusing. However, everything was nice in the Glade and you didn't dislike it too much, except for the fact that you were the only girl.

Today you had to try out to be a Slicer. You weren't particularly too happy. But maybe you could swing by the Builders and see how Gally was doing. You two had something...but you didn't know quite what. You knew that you liked him though.

You get ready and set off to the Builders. You could see Gally already working hard on repairing Frypans Kitchen.

Once you get close enough, you call out o him and he stops hammering to look at you. He shoots you a big grin and puts down his tool. He comes up to meet you.

"I-uh, hi, Y/N," he says and wipes at the sheen of sweat that'd formed.

"Hey Gally," you reply cheerfully, forgetting that you'd soon be at the Slicers. "How's it going?" You motion to the kitchen.

"Good actually," he chuckles. "If these shanks would get off their behinds and work!" He called out to the boys who immediately went back to work and stopped staring at you.

"What about you? Where are you going today?" He looks at you with real interest, which you liked about him. Most just brushed you off.

"Alby wants me to try out the Slicers. I'm not completely excited," you reply which earns a chuckle from him.

"Ah well have fun," he says sarcastically and you roll your eyes. "I have to get back to work but be safe alright, Y/N?"

You nod and wave as he heads back over to the kitchen to resume his repairs. Small butterflies blossomed and flew around in your stomach.

After your chat with Gally, you trudge your way over to the Slicers with no enthusiasm. You just hoped the day would go by fast.

Your hopes were destroyed. Within the first hour you were exhausted. You felt like you could sleep for days and maybe months. This was definitely not a job you wanted to have. However you kept doing what Winston asked you to.

It was almost lunchtime and you were excited. Winston said you could leave after you finished the last task and you nodded excitedly, almost tasting freedom. You began cutting up the meat and then....

You drop the knife you were holding and step back, clutching your hand. You pull your right hand back, leaving your throbbing left one. They were both a dark red.

"W-Winston?" you call out shakily, staring at your hand. Footsteps approach quickly and he gasps when he sees the scene. You would've ran to the doctors or whatever they had here, but that wasn't a job you had covered yet so you didn't know where they were.

"Okay...we need to get you to the Med-jacks now," he says loudly. He looks around frantically and finds a clean towel to wrap tightly around your hand. You suck in a sharp breath at the pain.

Winston leads you at the door, keeping pressure on the towel and you're almost running to keep up with him. You keep glancing at your hand with frantic eyes. The scene of you catches the eyes of other Gladers, including Gally.

Some call out and others rush to you. Unfamiliar faces ask you what happened and you just shake your head at them, panicking too much to answer.

Gally pushes through the crowd. "What in the shuck happened?" He asks almost sounding angry, but you knew it was concern.

He gets no reply as you quickly approach the Med-jack shack and push into it. You're sat on the bed and a surprised Clint calls for Jeff. Both the Med-jacks begin to work on your hand and Winston pushes the other curious Gladers out and leaves with them.

"Jeff, get me a needle and thread," he calls. The other guy, Jeff, picks the tools up next to him and hands them swiftly to Clint. Jeff looks at your pale face with worry.

"How are you feeling, Greenie?"

You pause. There was a lot of pain, but he already knew that. "Really light headed."

He nods as if that was an expected answer.

You hiss as hot pain races through your hand and up your arm. You look to see an apologetic Clint washing your cut out with something in a bottle. He then put the needle to your palm and stops.

"Probably best you look away, Y/N."

You nod and look to the bed sheet. Suddenly there's some raised voices outside the door and within a minute someone races through it and into the small room.


He looks at your hand and his eyebrows furrow with concern. You refuse to look back at your hand and he knows why. He sits next to you and begins to take your other hand before you pull it away.

You try not to focus on the pricking at your hand and the pain that comes with it as your eyes tear up from it. Gallys confused.

"I don't want to get blood on you," you murmur to him and look at your uninjured hand. He looks down to it and understands.

Jeff hands Gally a rag to wipe off your hand and you're grateful. You felt like you were about to pass out.

Ten minutes later and you were "all sown up" as Jeff put it. You nod to them and they leave to let you and Gally talk.

"Are you alright?" Gally asks with intense eyes.

You nod and reach with your now clean hand to take his. You put your head on his shoulder.

"I'm fine," you promise to him. "Just...really tired."

He pulls away for a second and tilts your head up to meet his eyes.

"I'm...really glad you're okay," he says hesitantly and his eyes flicker from your mouth back to your eyes.

You don't say anything but lean in a little closer and he does the same. Now you were both breathing in the same air.

He closes the distance and places his lips on yours gently and warmth spreads through your entire body. For a minute you forget about the throbbing pain in your palm and focus on his lips.

Once you pull away, you smile and look down. "I don't think Slicer is the job for me."

He chuckles. "Probably not."

Then he presses his lips to yours again.

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