Insecurities (Newt)

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*Takes place in Scorch Trials after group A meets group B*

Their names were Harriet and Sonya. And you were sure they'd be the end of you and Newt. They were the prettiest out of the girls in group B, in your opinion, and you knew you weren't the only one who thought so. Most of the guy Gladers were drooling over them. They never did that to you though which only proved your point further.

Newt was talking with them and you watched, feeling belittled. You knew it was ridiculous to be worrying about who was prettier right now, but you couldn't help it. What if Newt left you for one of them? They were just as funny, strong, and good as you were. Maybe even more so.

Newt eventually walked back over to you and your gaze immediately went to your feet. Newt noticed and frowned but didn't say anything. Maybe you just didn't want to talk.

"Newt," you spoke up which surprised him. "What made you like me in the first place?"

You knew it was an odd question to ask and would raise more from him, but you wanted to know.

"That's a...different question. I mean, ever since I first saw you in that box, I knew there was something about you that was special." He smiled and you furrowed your eyebrows with a growing lump in your throat.

"Special because I was the only girl?" You stared down at your fingers and picked at the dirt under your nails. You tried to keep your voice from wavering but you weren't sure if it was working.

"No, special because you were strong. Different. Beautiful." You knew Newt meant what he was saying and a little part of you felt better.

"But, they're strong and different and beautiful and everything yet so much more than I am Newt." You stopped picking at your fingernails and looked up to his eyes. They looked completely confused but also sympathetic.

"Who? What are you saying?" He put a hand on your shoulder and waited for your response, rubbing his thumb in circles.

You sigh and fight back tears. "Sonya and Harriet. They're pretty and unafraid and..." You stopped talking in fear of letting your tears spill.

Newt scoffed. "Well that's a load of rubbish."

You blinked a couple times in surprise. "What?"

"No," Newt began again. "That's actually a load of klunk. Okay, so they may be pretty, but that doesn't make you any less gorgeous. They may be unafraid, but you're fearless."

Your mouth was open slightly and you didn't say anything. Couldn't say anything.

Newt put his hands on both sides of your neck gently and rubbed the space behind your ears with his thumbs. "You are more beautiful than any of those other girls, alright? I wouldn't have anyone else by my side, because it wouldn't be the same. I could never love someone like I love you."

Newt brushes his lips on yours softly. When he pulls away, his eyes are full of nothing but affection for you.

"You asked me what made me like you, yeah?"

You nod. Newts eyes rest on yours and he speaks with complete certainty.

"I liked you because you were different, but I love you because you're mine."

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