Confess (Newt)

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Gally stepped up next to you by the bonfire. "Here shank." He handed you a jar with his secret recipe. You accepted it and he sat next to you, drinking from his own jar.

It wasn't long before Gally is handing you your second jar. You try to refuse by your hand grabs it anyways. You hardly ever drank more than a jar full. I guess tonight was just one of those nights.

Once you were feeling a little lightheaded, you push the half full second jar to Gally and stand, nearly falling over. You use a side of a tree to support you as you walk towards where some of the Gladers were talking. You knew this probably wasn't going to end well but you had some stuff to say.

"Hey youuu!" You stumble into the circle and catch yourself on Minhos shoulder. He looks at you with confused amusement and raises his eyebrow. He folds his arms and waist for you to continue. "I have somethin' to tell you."

You struggle to remember what it was you wanted to say but it wouldn't come out. "Oh yeaaaah! You run, like a girl."

Minhos mouth opens a bit. "Now wait a minute-"

You'd already moved on to the next person. "And you!" Thomas rolls his eyes. Was he next? "You run like a girl too...but at least you're pretty."

You start laughing to yourself and continue to move around the circle, completely unaware that everyone you left in your wake was speechless. You squint your eyes at Alby.

"Oh you!" You put a hand on Albys shoulder and frown at him. "Your teeth make me SO angry. They're too...straight."

Alby furrows his eyebrows and let's you move on to the next victim. "Jeeeeeff!" You sigh and wrap an arm around his neck.

"Y/N, maybe you should go lie down-"

You ignore his suggestion and sway a little. "I love you, you know? You're always workinnng and nice. Of course I don't like you THAT way but I mean-"

Someone grabs your arm softly and your spin around. It was Newt. Your eyes light up and your hands extend in the air. "I know youuu!" You draw out.

Newt nods and forces a smile. "Why don't we get you to bed, yeah?"

You shrug and let Newt pull you away. You wave at the boys you had stunned and stumble backwards, nearly crashing into Newt. He supports your weight and helps you to the Homestead.

Once you're in your room, you flop onto your bed with Newt to guide you so you don't fall on the floor instead. You give him a silly smile and a thumbs up. He rolls his eyes at you and starts to walk out the door.

"Wait Nooooot," you slur. He turns back around and wears an amused yet serious expression. "I have something to tell you toooo!"

"Y/N, you're not I the best mindset right now. How about you tell me tomorrow, if you still want to, okay?" He turns back around but you blurt your reply out before he can leave.

"I like you."

"Yes, and you like Thomas and Chuck and Winston. You like everyone, love." Newt sighs, seeing you're clearly not done.

"Nooo, no no silly Newt." You shake your head sluggishly. "I REALLY like you. I think you're funnyyy and cuuuuute, and your voice makes me happy."

Newt freezes in his steps and looks at you with narrowed eyes. Were you serious, or was this just the effects of Gallys drink?

"Okay, how about we talk about this in the morning? You get some rest." Newt gives you one last questioning look and walks out the bedroom door.


Your head hurt. You didn't remember much from last night but knew it couldn't have gone any better than previous times when you'd had too much of Gallys drink. What had you done this time?

Down in the Glade, Newt finds you before you can find him. He takes your hand, which surprises you, and leads you to the edge of the Deadheads. You lean against a tree and look at him with squinted eyes. Why did everything seem so bright?

"What do you remember from last night?" He asks simply.

You look up. "Oh...uh, not much. Why? What did I do?" Worry fills you as Newt chuckles to himself a little.

"Confessed what you thought about most of the Gladers. Including me."

Your eyes went wide. The Gladers were one thing, but Newt? There were so many things you thought of him, and you weren't planning on telling him everything yet.

"You said that you liked me," Newt started and your heart fluttered. "That even my voice makes you happy? Oh, and that you think I'm cute. Funny too."

Your mouth gapes and hits the ground. You'd said that? You mentally slap yourself. He wasn't supposed to know how you felt yet!

"Did you mean all of that? Do you really feel that way, Y/N?" Newt steps closer and his eyes look softly into yours.

"W-Well yeah..." you say and look to your feet. Newt steps even closer. Less than a foot between you two. Shuck it all. "I do like you, Newt. Everything you do drives me insane and I can't get you out of my head."

Newt leans in closer and your breathing hitched. "I'm glad I'm not the only one."

He presses his lips to yours and you kiss back immediately. Maybe drinking too much of Gallys drink didn't always have to end badly.

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