Dinner (Newt)

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Frypan waved his spatula in the air to get everyone's attention but instead just caused the walls to be splattered with the red sauce that dripped off of the utensil. "Eat up, shanks!"

Once you had your food and were seated at one of the many tables that surrounded Frypans kitchen, you waited for some of the other Gladers to fill in the empty seats next to you. First Thomas sat down next to you, and then Minho on your other side. Minho nudged your shoulder and you smiled at him, acknowledging his greeting to you.

Chuck settled in across the table with Newt, who was directly in front of you. Others like Gally and Zart filled in the still open spots. Then, it was a full table as it always was, every meal. Gally grumbled about having to make another table soon because it was getting too packed as it was. You rolled your eyes and began eating.

Chuck threw a blueberry into the air and attempted to catch it in his mouth, proclaiming, "Watch this!" The blueberry looked as if it hovered in the air for a moment, but then came spiraling back down to hit him on his cheek. He frowned and grabbed another with his fingers, attempting it again. He was unsuccessful once more, but he did however earn a yell from Frypan to stop wasting the food.

Minho sighed and rested his head in his hands. "Spaghetti. It's my favorite, you know. Ill have to send a note down to the creators and tell them to send more of this stuff up. It's the good stuff, yeah?"

Your eyes light up. "Hey! Spaghetti is my favorite too." Funny how you never knew that about Minho before. He was your best friend, beside Thomas, and you thought you would've known almost everything about him by now.

"Oh really?" He asks with a raised eyebrow and you nod. "Then you'd fight me for it?"

You snicker. "When and where, shank?"

"Here and now," he replied with a mischievous grin.

Across the table you heard Newt give an audible moan. Not another one of your petty fights over food. Couldn't you just eat like normal human beings?

You held a fork up and Minho held up his butter knife. You lower your eyes into a squint and Minho raises his arm back to strike. You defend his incoming lash by using the side of your fork to block his knife. You quickly slide your fork back and slip the tip of the knife through the teeth of your fork and yank it back, disarming Minho in a swift movement. You both ignore Frypans shouts of annoyance.

"Hah! I win." You slip your fork over and take a lump of his spaghetti over to your plate and Minho scowls at you playfully.

Thomas shakes his head. "You two would make a great couple," he comments.

You freeze and see Minho go ridged next to you. You face heats up and you glance at him and back. Your eyes sweep across to Newt, the boy you really had feelings for, and you try to cover and make everything a little less awkward.

You force an awkward laugh. "Oh please, you and Newt would make a better couple than we would!"

"Yeah," Minho joins in. "Besides, Y/N has cooties."

You jab your elbow into Minhos side without looking at him and wait for Thomas's response. He just shakes his head and eats another mouthful of the pasta.

Newt across from you doesn't look as happy about what you'd said though. He had a sheltered face on and was glaring at the ground with an irritated look.

"Hey," you address him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he mutters and doesn't meet your eye level. He stands and pushes his food forward, hardly touched, and walks to the Homestead where he disappears inside. The entire table was silent as they stared at his empty seat.

"Did I do something?" you ask innocently. You couldn't stand it when he was mad at you. It was something you tried to avoid, because, well, you liked him. Being on his bad side was not the way to get closer to him.

You sigh and the Gladers eat their dinner in peace with only a couple grumbles from Gally about the tables he had to build.


You knock on the door to Newts room softly and to your surprise, the door swings open with the motion of your knocking. Newt was laying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, clearly deep in thought. He didn't even have to look to know it was you standing in his doorway.

"Newt? Can we talk?" You rub the side of your arm, a little nervous about what he'd reply.

"What, are you going to tell me more about what a bloody wonderful couple Tommy and I would be? Because if so, I'd rather not." Newt sits up to face you, and you shake your head. You step forward hesitantly but then decide you had nothing to lose and sat down next to him on the bed.

"Why were you so angry at dinner? It was just a joke, Newt. I don't actually think that you and Thomas would be a great couple, I just wanted to get out of an awkward situation."

"You're missing the point, Y/N!" Newt groaned and pushed a hand through his hair. He sighed. "You're so clueless!"

You part your mouth and stare at his eyes, searching them as if they'd give you any sort of answer. They didn't. "Then help me out, Newt! What am I apparently missing?"

Newt shook his head, clearly frustrated. "What does it matter? Apparently you and Minho would make a better couple than you and I ever would."

You stop breathing and meet his eyes. "What?"

Newt, as if realizing what he'd just said, stopped breathing too. His face went bright red and he looked to the ground. "I, uh, I-didn't-"

You stop to process what he'd just blurted out. As the realization of what he'd said hits you, you retain a smile as he scrambles to explain himself.

Finally, he takes a deep breath and looks at his hands and then up to you. "Y/N, I like you. Probably more than I should. I know you've probably never thought of me as being anything more than a friend, but I guess it's out in the bloody open now that I have feelings for you. I have since the week you came up in that stupid box."

You shake your head. "You're wrong."


"You're wrong," you repeat. "I have thought of you as more than a friend. Because I like you too, Newt."

"You do?" he asks quietly, as if in disbelief.

You nod and take his hand in yours. "And trust me, we would make such a better couple than Minho and I, or Thomas and you."

Before you can say anything more, Newt leaned in until your lips were touching and breaths mixing. Your lips moved perfectly together, as if they were destined to fit this way.

A few moments after you parted, you stood and looked to your feet. "It's getting late, I should be going to my room." You got to the door and were about to exit when Newt stopped you.

"Y/N, wait," he called. You turned to face him with curiosity. "Will you stay with me?"

A small smile spread across your face and you walked back to him. He opened the blanket for you and you slid in next to him, letting his arm curl protectively around you. You rested your head on his chest and listened to his deep breathing until you fell asleep.

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