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T: 52 M:62

Mingyu side


Mingyu has been staring at the selfie he had made his wallpaper yesterday.
He even made edits of the picture, cropping his face beside her face.


Mingyu felt an hard slap on his back. He winced and let out a moan.

"Jesus dude...have you been working out Wonwoo?" Mingyu rubs his back, moaning in pain.

"Yea. Look at these babies ." wonwoo shows off his muscles to mingyu but as he leans closer, he notices his phone wallpaper.

"...bro." Wonwoo frowned and pull down his long sleeves.

"What bro." Mingyu flips his hair , getting some strands out his face.

"Since when did you like girls?"

Mingyu finally notices that wonwoo was staring at his wallpaper. He hides his phone in embarrassment.


"And since when was the girl Jung taerin. Aren't you having some war shit with her?" Wonwoo asks innocently.

"PFFFFTT. OH EM GEE ! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT HONEY?! " mingyu raises his voice and wrap his arm around wonwoo's .

"Besides, I'm gay for you." Mingyu whispers into wonwoo's ear.

"Uh sorry bro. I'm gay for jisoo sunbaemin."

Mingyu places his hand on his chest and makes a loud gasp sound. "...bro..."

"Heh. Get rekt bro. A+ for the effort tho"

"Die." Mingyu spits.


"So I see you have been thirsty for points huh?" Mingyu slams his palm into the table, making taerin jump , shocked.

"Yea but not as thirsty for my love for you." (5) taerin flips her hair.

"Jesus chirst taerin. " mingyu tries to flick her forehead but misses when she moves back.

"I'm going to get coffee." Mingyu said before walking away from taerin's table.

"And I'm going to move away when you come back." Taerin mumbled under her breath, moving 3 tables behind.

Lucky for mingyu, the queue wasn't long and he managed to spot taerin engrossed on her phone.

"Ayo g-"


Mingyu sighed heavily, taking his coffee cup and sipping it noisily. He squeezes his eyes shut and cursed under his breath, putting the cup down, groaning.

"Shit. I ordered latte. I hate latte." Mingyu talked to himself.

"Not as much as I hate you. " taerin takes the cup from mingyu and sips the hot latte.

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT BOY?! THIS IS SOME GUD SHIT. " taerin waves the cup In the air, some drips of latte dropping onto the floor and trickling down her hands.

"Careful, wife. "(5) mingyu gets off his seat, trying to snatch the coffee back .

"Who the fuck would want to be your wife? " taerin spits .

"You of course."

"Uh no." Taerin checks her watch and yelled "shit!" , she packs up her stuff and quickly hops out of the chair.

Just before she could dash out of the cafeteria, mingyu grabs her wrist.

"Where's my goodbye kiss? "(5) mingyu pokes his cheek. It was so soft and bouncy when he poked it .

"Go kiss your own ass fucker. " taerin tries to pull her hand away but mingyu held onto her wrist real tightly.

"I'm not letting you leave until you give me a kiss." Mingyu eye smiles at her.


Annoyed, mingyu stood up and held her chin. He leans forward and kisses taerin's cheek lightly. His lips were so soft and kissable ,It made taerin cheeks turn red. Mingyu noticed the girl's red face. He laughs at himself at how cute she is.

"If you dont let me, then I'll do it myself." Mingyu whispered soothingly into taerin's ear.

"Y-you fucker." Taerin steps on mingyu's feet before running away from him, her face still flushed .

T: 57 M: 72


A/n : I promise u that the next chapter will be interesting AF.

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