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Taerin clenches her pencil tightly as she stabs a drawing of a stickman named Kim mingyu violently. "you pig! I will get you ! "

"Taerin what the fuck is wrong with you." Seungcheol, her friend, asks as he pulls a chair to sit beside her.

"My life is wrong. That's because youre not in it . If you were, I - "

"Not gonna work on me." Seungcheol said.

"Ugh. Alright. Anyways, it's that stupid Kim mingyu. He's DRIVING ME FUCKING CRAZY! And speaking of the devil..." Taerin watches Mingyu walking in with a group of girls crowding him.

"BOIII. GET YO NASTY ASS OUT OF MY CLASS! " Taerin shouts across the classroom and gives mingyu an noticable middle finger.

Mingyu notices taerin (bEING THE BITCH ASS HO SHE IS) with her middle finger in the air. Once taerin got mingyu looking at her, she started shouting a colourful language of swear words at him.

"Jung taerin, I get it I get it. You want to fuck me. But then why should I fuck such a low quality girl like you?"

"OHHHHHHH BURNNNNN! " one of the girls at the back started hopping backwards on one foot with their fingers pointing to taerin who was absolutely speechless.

" How did I even get into this?? " taerin asks herself, knocking her head on the table countless on times.

-2 weeks ago-

"HI! My name is Kim Mingyu! Nice to meet you. " Mingyu bows down 90 ℃ and grins cheerily to his classmates. Some of the girls were already claiming him as his 'boyfriend' already.

At first, Taerin thought about how easily it was to flirt with Mingyu because of how polite and cute he was. But she was wrong.

There was an empty sit in front of Taerin, therefore, Mingyu was told to sit in front of her.

"Hi there!" Mingyu waves at Taerin.

"Hi Babe." Taerin smiles at Mingyu.


"Yup. babe."

"But we just met?" Mingyu furrowed his eyebrows.

Placing her index finger close to Mingyu lips, Taerin shushes him.

"Shhh babe..don't you know who I am? Im the school's player, queen Taerin. "

"Player as in flirting? "

"Yea babe. "

"Well, I'm not letting you become the school's player anymore."

"Bish whud. "

Mingyu tucks Taerin's hair behind her ear and smirks.

"I'm going to owe that spot of yours. "

Ha! Don't make me laugh boy.

"Good luck. Don't call me for any help k? "

"I won't even need your help . thanks for offering tho. "

"Whatever. I doubt you can beat me. "

"Watch me . "


"All the best. " Mingyu helds out his hand for a shake but Taerin pushes  his hand away.

"Good luck losing babe. "


Taerin rests her chin on her palm as the boring literature teacher teaches them.

She tries to copy down some notes but Mingyu was too tall that she couldn't see anything.

"Move." Taerin ordered.

"Aww...sorry babe. Your going to have to come here and copy the notes. " Mingyu pats his lap, directing Taerin to sit on his lap.

"Fine then. "  Taerin gets up from her seat and walks over to Mingyu. She sits down on Mingyu's lap and comfortably copies down the words on the board.

"Good girl. " Mingyu whispers into Taerin's ear. He wraps his arm around her waist but Taerin steps onto his feet, purposely of course.

"Ha. bitch you thought. " Taerin smirks as she copies down the last word before she moves back to her seat.

As she gets up, Mingyu slaps her back.

All eyes stare at taerin who suddenly yelled.

"Ffff...flower..." she completed her sentence as she started at everyone. Embarrassed, she walks back quickly to hear seat and covers her face. She touches her back and felt a little sticky note stuck on her back.

"Oy this is not- "

Taerin reads the note. She reads it over and over again before smiling to herself.

Note: meet me at the lvl 1 store room @ 1:50pm. Hoe , u better come or I'll fuck u up hard. "

Taerin writes back to Mingyu and sticks back the note onto his hair.

Note: lol K. And uhm,,, I'm sorry but with that small length of yours, I don't think you're gonna fuck me up real hard :) there's always a next time so don't be too sad !!1!!

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