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Taerin walks down the flight of stairs to level 2. She notices Mingyu going inside the store room so she catches up with him, slapping his back.

"Ayo gg!" Taerin smiles and ruffles his hair.

"Please get your hands off me. " Mingyu groans, rubbing his back.

"So what do you want?" Taerin folds her arms and leans against the wall while Mingyu closes the storage room door behind them.

"Let's make a deal. During these 2 months, we are going to flirt with the other students and each other. Students are worth 2 points. Each other is worth 5 points. By the end of 2 months we are going to tally up and see who has the highest points. "

"What's the prize ?" Taerin asks.

"I win, you will be my girlfriend 'slave.' And if you win I'll be your boyfriend 'slave'. Also, if either of us wins, we claim the 'player' status. clear? "

"Clear." Taerin smiles.

"And don't you dare cheat because we're going to write down our scores and update each other ."

" are you saying that you want my phone number? " taerin widens her eyes.

"Pft. Duh. Hurry up I have like detention in like, 10 minutes." Mingyu groans.

"Good for you. 2 weeks in school and you already got detention. " taerin claps sarcastically.

"Yea ok . hurry up. " Mingyu clicks his tongue.

Taerin writes down her phone number for Mingyu and passes it to him. Mingyu then takes out an small red notebook with printed flowers from his jacket pocket.

"Here. For you. " Mingyu hands over the notebook to Taerin. "Write down mine and your scores in it. I have my own. "

"Thanks? " Taerin gives Mingyu an confused smile. she admires the notebook and its smooth texture, moving her hand up and down the notebook.

"Good luck Taerin. " Mingyu smirks. He was about to exit the storage room when he turns back to look at Taerin who was still admiring the notebook.

"I , Kim Mingyu , will romantically push you down your throne and owe the 'player' crown away from you, Jung Taerin. " Mingyu smirks, leaning his head back.

Taerin looks up at mingyu, Her eyes locked with his. She let's out a little laugh and placed her hands on her hips.

"Its on, babe."


While Mingyu was serving detention, Taerin decides to start off this little 'game' with her first 6 points. She walks to the detention room and looks into the little window the detention room has .

There were a few students plus Mingyu inside who was doodling some animals.

She enters the room with a devilish smirk on her face.

"Hi everyone!!! " she greets everyone with an angelic smile.

"TAERINNiE!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??? " the students asks as they bolted up from their seats and greeted her as if she was some royal highness.

"Oh, I just wanted to see my babe, Mingyu. I miss seeing his face so much ~! " Taerin said with a little aegyo in her voice.

"Ah...starting off first huh? " Mingyu thought. He walks over to Taerin and holds both of her hands, swinging them front and back.

"But ba~be...you always get to see me. Especially in your dreams." Mingyu leans forward, his nose almost touching hers.

"But I don't want to see you in my dreams! I want to see you in the future , standing beside me as you lift up my viel after the priest says ' you may now kiss the bride. ' "

"Awwwwww...." The students smile dearingly at Mingyu and Taerin. Some of the girls students were even doodling Mingyu and Taerin getting married.

"But after the wedding, I get to see you in bed." Mingyu winks, grabbing Taerin's waist and puling her close to him.

the students started cheering for them to kiss but Taerin was trying to push away Mingyu. she wasn't going to kiss 'that thing.'

"KISS. KISS. KISS .KISS . " the students chanted.

"I can kiss mingyu anytime but I want to kiss you all right now. " Taerin flirts with the students. She blows a kiss to them and winks .

Before Mingyu could think of an pickup line, the teacher in change, walks into the detention room.

"Taerin, what are you doing here? " The teacher asks with an booming voice.

"Ah! isnt this the music room? " Taerin scratches her head. Of course, she was faking her question.

"Uh no. This is the detention room. Music room on level 2. " the teacher replies.

"OH !!! AHAHAHAHA! SILLY ME! OH WELL I BETTER GET GOING! " taerin exits the detention room, sighing in relief that the teacher didn't scold her. Before she could walk out the door, mingyu shouts : " YAH! BABE! SEE YOU IN BED. " 

" I'll see you in hell, Mingyu. " Taerin rolls her eyes.


T:12  M:15


A/n : if you guys are wondering how taerin looks like, she'll look like choA from AOA <3 she's so pretty i-

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