Chapter 1

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Things were finally calming down at the shinobi hospital since the war with the Sound. Most of those injured during the battles had been happily discharged. There were still a few long term cases like that of unfortunate genin Rock Lee, whose bones were crushed in the chuunin exams even before the war, but sadly there were always a few chronic cases since the premiere shinobi medic and one of the legendary sannin, Tsunade, left many years ago.

The nurse on duty, Kuchiki Kaori, now finally had a chance to catch up on paperwork - a lot of it, piled in three one foot stacks on the desk that she shared in rotation with the other nurses. It seemed her predecessor had scarcely made a dent. She sighed and picked up a folder, wishing very badly that she knew some jutsu that would automatically take care if it all.

Before she finished the first stack of reports, there was a ruckus by the main doors. A bizarre man in a hideous green jumpsuit came in carrying a body carelessly slumped over his shoulder. Kaori immediately pressed the emergency button to summon a medic.

"He's been out for over two hours now. We thought he just needed a rest, you know Kakashi's chakra stamina is nowhere near as good as mine, but he's not waking up..."

"Gai, you go after Sasuke, I'll fill them in," an attractive kunoichi in a red and white dress interrupted as Iashi, the medic on duty, arrived.

"Right, Kurenai, I'll leave him to you."

Iashi wheeled in a bed where Gai deposited his human bundle.

"Kaori, hook him up to an IV and take his vitals," Iashi, ordered as he gave Kurenai a form to fill out. Kaori pushed the bed into a room in the ICU.

"Umm...isn't all this information in the system?" Kurenai frowned at the unnecessary paperwork. Her red eyes seemed to dim at the prospect.

"Fill in as much as you can and we can pull the rest off the system," Iashi compromised. 'Sigh, these shinobi just don't understand the necessity of proper admittance procedures.' He took out a pen and another form and started asking questions, "Okay, what happened?"

"Uchiha Itachi is what happened," Kurenai said angrily with a flip of her dark hair. "He came back for what was apparently not a friendly visit. Asuma and I tried to question him, but he and his companion were too strong," she admitted reluctantly. "Kakashi saved us, but then Itachi used some kind of special doujutsu associated with his sharingan. Kakashi told Asuma and me to keep our eyes closed so we didn't actually see what happened. Kakashi said that he had protection against Itachi because of his sharingan, but one second Kakashi and Itachi were talking, next second we could hear Kakashi in pain and collapsing. I don't think they physically moved toward each other. Luckily, Gai showed up at the last second and they decided it was too risky to continue. We brought Kakashi home first - you know how he hates hospitals."

Iashi nodded, "Yes, he's missed his annual checkup for the past five years or more." He frowned in disapproval. 'These shinobi just don't understand the importance of annual checkups.'

"Anyway, after two hours, he still wasn't coming around. Then Uchiha Sasuke found out his brother was in town and took off after him. Gai just left in pursuit, Asuma is filing the report with the elders, and here I am doing paperwork." Kurenai sighed as she looked at the lines requesting Kakashi's ninja registration number (no idea), address (okay, she knew that one), medical history including parental background and allergies (no idea again), closest living relative (none that she knew of), contacts (she tentatively put her own name down). She returned the mostly blank form back to Iashi.

Iashi took all the forms, handed them over to Kaori, who just returned after setting up the patient, and ordered her to fill in the rest. "Thank you Kurenai-sensei. We'll take it from here. It looks like you could use some rest as well."

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