Chapter 15. Leaving Again.

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Chapter 15. Leaving Again.

Hope POV

Wow it’s even worse the second time, sadly I didn’t go with them this time because they had to leave at 3 in the morning, I haven’t spoken to Liam ever since the talk he had with Louis, it’s heartbreaking quite frankly it’s kind of like when my brother died, except he’s alive but he’s trying to ignore me and so far it’s worked very well.

I sat on a bench in front of the school with my legs hugged to my chest, I left early because I couldn’t sleep after the boys left, I woke up at the same time even though I couldn’t go, my body basically set its own alarm, I cried until I couldn’t fall back asleep, its three hours before school starts, I heard a door shut and I looked up and a teacher was walking toward me.

“Miss. Phillips?” I flinched at my maiden name, I nodded “what are you doing here so early?” she asked.

“I couldn’t go back to sleep” I mumbled.

“sweetie have you been crying?” I was about to lie but I changed my mind, what’s lying going to do for anyone, so I nodded “why don’t you come inside” she said gently placing her arm on my back, I stood up and walked in front of her, she lead me to her office, I sat in the chair in front of her desk “so honey, what’s bothering you?”

Right then and there I spilled my whole heart out to someone you would never expect, a teacher.


“oh sweetie, I’m very sorry, and this one direction?” I nodded “is that the band all the girls obsess over?”

“yes, but please don’t tell them what I told you, actually please don’t tell anybody”

“oh course sweetie, can I see a picture of the boys?”

I nodded and opened my phone and started flicking through my photos “this is a picture of me and Louis” I said showing her the picture I took when we went to Nandos for the first time before we dated, she smiled, I started looking for one of all the boys, I found one I thought was quite funny, one of all of them past out in the den, I showed her and she chuckled.

“how long will they be gone?”

“well they said they’d visit for graduation, but that’s still a ways away, and then after that they won’t be back till October” I said looking down.

“well I’m very sorry sweetie, class starts soon how about you go get ready?” I nodded and stood up and started to walk out of the office “have a good day Hope”

“you too” I said I started walking to class.


“hey Hope!” I heard someone yell behind me, I turned and it was Jarred “do you need a ride?”

“I can walk” I said, to be perfectly honest, I just really wanted to be alone.

“no I insist”

“fine” I said while following him to his car, I got in and buckled up.

We drove for a while in silence “so um, I was wondering if maybe if you wanted to go and see a movie tomorrow?” Jarred said glancing at me.

“um…sure” I said not really making eye contact with him.

I heard him sigh in relief , why is he relieved? I heard the radio come on and I glanced at Jarred and he smiled at me, he flipped the channel

“Baby you light up my world like nobody else-“

“could you please change the channel?” I asked as soon as their voices filled the car.

“what are you a directionater?” he asked changing the channel with a smirk on his face.


“then you know them?”

“you have no idea” I mumbled.



“ok? But why were you so eager to change the station then?” he asked raising an eyebrow.

“I don’t want to talk about it” I said looking out the window.

“why what could it possibly be?”


“oh come on” he started pulling into the drive way to the orphanage.


“oh come onnnnnnnn-“ he said starting to drag the on, but I snapped.

“NO! just leave me alone!” I said I got out of the car and slammed the car door and walked away, I walked into the orphanage, a tear slipped out of my eye, I slammed the door loudly behind me, all the kids and Anita looked at me.

“oh sweetie what’s wrong?” Anita said walking up to me.

“I don’t want to talk about it” I said push passed her, I ran up the stairs and slammed my door.

Jarred POV

I sat there with my eyes wide staring at the door, at least I’ll see her tomorrow, I started to pull out of the drive way, I’ll give her space.


Hey Hopers

Hey sorry it’s a sucky chapter and short and UGH! I’m just really losing interest in this story but ill finish it and sorry if the ending is really crappy but it might just be that way, and it will be over soon and then I’ll bring out some new books I’m so barmy (crazy/ excited)about!

Love you guys for still reading, please comment your thoughts.

Bye Hopers.

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