Chapter 35 - Armani

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pic of Johari❤️

Tuesday, August 17, 2:53 AM

I woke up as soon as I heard Jo start to cry.

I chuckled, "Aw, I can't sleep for one night, huh?"

She continued to wail as I walked over to her crib, "I just changed your diaper so you must be hungry!" I pick her up and gently rock her as I walk to the rocking chair.

I pull down my tank top and start to breastfeed her. She instantly stops crying.

I rock the chair back and forth and she eventually falls back asleep. I fix my shirt and try to stand up to put her back in her crib but she starts to softly cry.

I quickly sat back down and continued rocking back and forth. And then I fell asleep.


Same Day, 10:30 AM

"Hey Mani!"

My eyes slowly opened and I saw Dante smiling at me.

"Good Morning!" He said.

"What are you doing here don't you have a press conference or something?" I smiled back at him. "Well, I had a commercial shooting this morning but I'm on break, I went home but I got bored so I came to your house," he said.

"Okay," I carefully stood up so I wouldn't wake up Johari and placed him in Dante's arms. I went into the bathroom, and brushed my teeth.

"Aw, my lil' Angel," he cooed.

"Well, Angel kept me up all night for the past three days," I chuckled, spitting the toothpaste out of my mouth.

He laughed, "If you were livin' with me that wouldn't be a problem!"

He cleared his throat, "Actually, if you were livin' with me, that wouldn't be a problem," someone else said. I knew that voice too well.

"Marcell. Get the fuck out of my house!" I said getting out of the bathroom.

Marcell smiled at me, "Oh, it's so good to see you too! I'm glad I can finally see you in person and not on the cover of some tabloid magazine. DAMN, you look fine as hell!" He cupped his hand over his mouth.

"Aye, man she told you to leave," Dante said calmly.

Marcell laughed, "So, this is the nigga you've been fuckin'? Wow! Armani you've lowered your standards A LOT," he put his hands in his pocket.

I took a large step towards him, "I hit an all time low when I decided to marry you!"

He scoffed, "That's why you had my baby?"

He walked towards Dante and Johari. I stepped in front of him. "Do not touch my child," I warned. "You mean our child?"

"Really? Now you want to come here sayin' this is our child?" I crossed my arms, "If I can recall you said you don't want nothin' to do with her and that she would be a bastard child!"

Marcell frowned, "Well I just want to hold her, I helped conceive that baby girl!"

"How did you even get in the house?!" Dante asks.

"I have a spare key!" Marcell smiled.

"What? How?!" I asked. "Well, when DeAndre and Hakeem are half asleep they'll do anything you want so you'll leave them alone!"

This nigga is crazy!

"Now get the hell out of my way!" Marcell half yelled.

"No, I won't let you touch my baby!" I said pushing him back, throwing him off balance.

He stumbles backward, "Armani, I'm taking the kids from you, I'm going to ask the court for full custody of the kids before I move to Atlanta so they can live with me, I believe they'll be in a better environment," he dusts himself off then smiles, "I'll be a better parent!"

I start to tear up, "Is that what you came here for? To take my kids away?!" I shout. He chuckles, "No," he taps his chin, "I came here to tell you I'm taking them away!"

I slap him, "YOU ARE NOT TAKING MY KIDS AWAY FROM ME!" He rubs his face, "Ow, what's gonna stop me?" Johari starts to cry, "See now you got her cryin'," he scowls as Dante quickly walks out of the room.

I cross my arms, "I will tell them everything you said that night! The kids are witnesses!"

He mocks me, crossing his arms, "Yeah, like they'll believe a bunch of five year olds," he spat.

I make an attempt to slap him again, but he notices this and forcefully grabs my wrist. He squeezes hard on it. "Stop it! You're hurting me Marcell!" I start slapping his hand with my other hand and try to pry his fingers off me. I look at his eyes, I never noticed it before, but his eyes were bloodshot.He's high, I thought.

He viciously lets go of my wrist. I rubbed my wrist. "You're crazy!" I said, then I spat in his face. He flared his nostrils.

I looked him right in the eyes, then when I least expected it, he slapped me. He slapped me so hard, across my face, that he knocked me to the ground.

I laid on the floor, in shock. He kneeled in front of me and yanked my hair, forcing me to sit up, "You stupid disrespectful, ungrateful, little bitch!" He strikes me again, but this time with a clenched fist. I felt a sharp pain in my mouth.

"Don't you know that I still love you!" he said calmly, in a scary way. He pushed me back on the ground and stood up. I started to shake, afraid of what he might do next. He laughed coldly, "Aw, you afraid now?" he asked me.

"Maybe this'll show you to give me more respect?"

He started punching. Lucky for me, they were sloppy and he didn't aim very well. But it still hurt like hell!

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