Chapter 21 - Marcell

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"Baby, you're two and a half months pregnant, you gotta eat if you want to keep our baby healthy," I was trying to make her her eat something, she doesn't eat solid foods, just ice cream.

"Can't I just eat ice cream?" she asked moving the fork from he face, I felt like I was feeding a toddler. "No, all you eat is ice cream, you're going to get fat!" I say putting the fork down. "And if I get fat you're going to leave me? IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE TRYING TO SAY, HUH? WELL YOU CAN LEAVE NOW, I CAN RAISE MY BABY ON MY OWN!" she stands up and smashes the plate on the ground.

That's not at all what I'm trying to say, what the hell! Her fucking mood swings...

"No Armani, I didn't say anything about leaving you, I love you so much, I just sayin that because when you're not pregnant anymore you're going to regret it and you won't be able to run anymore!"

She started walking away, "I'm not running for Stanford anymore, I stop last year, it was too much work, I have to pee, make sure this is cleaned up by the time I come back!"

"Yes baby," I say, I did not want to argue with her.

I started cleaning up the spaghetti she had knocked over. The plate was broken into three large pieces, I shook my head, I wouldn't want too mess with Armani when she's pregnant.

"Isn't she trouble?"

I looked up, Malika was standing in front of my. "Who invited you over?" I say smiling.

"I invited myself, I do not to be invited to come to your house!"

Armani walks in the room just then, "Hey, Malika," she sits in the dining chair.

"Hey fatty," Malika jokes. Armani smiles, then becomes serious again, "Are you okay?"

About six weeks ago Malika got pregnant, by some random guy she met in the club, she didn't know she was pregnant until four weeks ago, then she overdosed on some cocaine, almost killing herself. Luckily Jewel went to her house to probably go "Netflix and Chill" with her. But he found her in her underwear unconscious on her kitchen floor. We took her to the hospital and she lost the baby.

Malika sighed and smiled a little bit, "I'm good, I think," she took out a small clear orange medication bottle out of her bag, and popped a pill in her mouth.

I hope this girl was not taking no non-prescribed drugs. "Malika, what is that?" Armani asks.


"Malika, stop lyin to us and spit out the damn drug," I say.

"No! It makes me feel good!"

Armani stands up and backhands Malika across the face, causing the pill to fly out of her mouth. Malika holds her face and starts to cry. I've never seen Malika cry before. Damn.

Armani aggressively pulls Malika's handbag out of her hand. She opens it and shakes her head, "Malika, you have a serious problem!"

I finish cleaning and stand up, I look inside the bag, there was nothing but drugs in there. All kinds of them, I'm sure, she had some in plastic ziplock bags, little orange bottles, paper towels, some were even just sitting in the bottom of her bag.

"I don't have a problem!" Malika cried.

I walk over to were the pill she spit out was, I picked out up and put it down the drain. "SHUT UP! YOU HAVE A FUCKIN PROBLEM!" Armani yelled.

Malika cried harder, "I'm sorry Armani, okay, Chris gave them to me, he said if I didn't sell them he would beat me and no one would buy any, so I was tempted, I took them!"

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