Chapter 16 - Armani

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Three Weeks Later...

"Marcell, can I talk to you for a second?" I was standing in the doorway of our bar/lounge area. I really needed to talk to him.

He was watching football with Raymond, Jalen, and Jewel. Although, Jewel didn't talk very much to Raymond.

"Aw, baby, can it wait? There's only two quarters left," Marcell whines. "That's why we have a DVR, just record the game...I really need to talk to you," I folded my arms across my chest.

"Okay, let's go talk," he stands up, puts his drink down and walks towards me.

I walk to the end of the hallway, up the stairs, and into our room. I turned the soundproof walls on so no one could hear us. All the kids were at school and everyone under three years old was being watched by Malika and Khadijah.

"Marcell, I need you to sit down," I sit on the bed and he sits next to me.

"Um, Marcell," I was really nervous and tears were blurring my vision. "Baby, what's wrong?" he strokes my cheek. "I don't know anyway to tell you this," my voice was breaking. "Please don't tell me you want a divorce, I love you so much Armani," he holds both of my hands. "No, no, I don't want a divorce, I love you too, but I don't know if you'll still love me after I tell you this," it was hard for me to speak, my throat felt like it was closing up.

"Oh, Armani, I will always love you, but please tell me what's going on."

I was so scared to tell him, I was just thinking about how much everything would change.

"Well, I don't know anyway to say this..."

I look Marcell deeply in the eyes, I could see all the emotions he was feeling, he was confused, sad, nervous, angry, frustrated, stressed...

"I-I was..."

"You were what?"

"I was...raped," I broke down in tears. I was crying very loudly. Marcell was just silent, he let go of my hands. "Oh my god..." was all he said.

He pulled me into his arms, "Baby...I'm so sorry..."

"Why do all the bad things happen to me?" I sobbed loudly. "Shhh, no, no, don't say that.

After I calmed down he rubbed my back, "Who did it?"

"You promise not to get mad?"

"I'll try..."

"Okay, it was Raymond..." I sniffed.

Marcell just paused for what felt like forever. He was stiff. His face was emotionless.

"Really? Raymond?" he said in the high-pitched voice he makes when he is trying not to yell.

"Wow..." he stands up. I follow him down the stairs and into the storage closet, he grabs the broom. "I'm going to show him what happens when he fucks my wife!" He says while clenching his jaw. He walks towards to bar. "No, no, Marcell!" I say running in front of him, "Don't touch him he's not worth it!"

"But he deserves it!" he says trying to walk past me. I stop him again, "Marcell, what if he sues?"

"Well, I got the money and the lawyers!" He tries walking past me again, but I stop him, again. "Marcell, please, don't let him waste our time, we have better things to do...the kids aren't home..." I say seductively.

He sighs, "Fine!"

He stomps into bar. "Raymond, you got a minute, which is more than enough time, to get your stuff and get out of my house before I beat your lil punk ass!"

"Woah, hold up man! What happened?" Raymond asks.

Marcell chuckles, "You raped my wife! That's what happened! Now, if you ever as much look at her funny, I'll make your life a livin' hell!"

"See, I knew you were a shady nigga, from the start!" Jewel says pulling him up by the collars of his shirt. "Maybe he won't beat your ass, but we will, you don't fuck with our homegirl like that!" Jalen says smacking the back of his head.

"Come on, let's go beat this lil princess!"

Jalen and Jewel take Raymond out of the house, to who knows where. I didn't really care, I just didn't want to see his face anymore.

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