Chapter 33

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Wednesday, August 11, 7:23 PM

Okay, I think I'm going to write this from mutiple POVs.

Armani's POV

I was sitting on my couch when I heard a knock on the door. Dante had taken the kids school supply shopping and they wanted to stay over at his house, since it's his last week in California. He's moving to Miami next week.

I opened the door, it was Logan. I've known Donovan for a long time, I hung out with him a lot in high school. I never really liked him more than a friend, but now since I'm single, he's basically just my fuckbuddy!

He smirked, "Damn, your stomach got flat real quick!" He referred to my stomach which was revealed because I was wearing a loose crop top and some sweatpants.

He smashed his lips into mine, I backed up leading him into my house, closing the door behind him. He picked me up as I wrapped my legs around him. He threw me back onto the couch. Donovan was rough, just like Marcell, and I loved it!

He took my crop off in one swift movement. He then slid my sweats off leaving me in only my underwear. He did the same for himself, stripping down to his underwear.

"I've been waiting for you to get back from that photoshoots in Alaska," he said placing kisses on my neck.

I moaned in pleasure. He took off my bra and panties. He slid his boxers down and immediately rammed his hard dick into me.

He turned us over so that is was on top. I rode his cock until I was close.

"Oh my god, D-Donovan," I moaned.

"Yes...Armani...come for me baby girl!" Donovan huffed. He started to make out with me. I ran my fingers through is brown hair. "OH FUCK!" I said as I came on his dick.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I hear someone say. I turn and see Dante looking at us, in disgust.

I felt my cheeks go hot and my heart raced.

"Get off of him!" Dante demanded he moved towards him. I was scared and quickly got off of him.

I quickly put my clothes back on. "You little bitch, if I ever see you near her again I will break every bone in your body you got that?!" Dante threatened. Donovan quickly nodded his head, grabbed his clothes and ran out of my house.

"C'mon," Dante commands, forcefully grabbing my hand. I've never seen him like this, he wasn't acting like himself. I was to scared to argue so I followed him outside into his car.

He drove us back to his house, " Where are the kids?" I asked. "They're at Malika's house," he says blankly. He opens his door then opens mine, taking off my seatbelt and  grabbing my arm and dragging me into the house.

Dante's POV

"Armani? What are you doing with that man?" I ask Armani. She was sitting on the couch with her arms folded across her chest.

"You know nothing about him!" she snapped.

"Armani! You can't be with him, he's a bad person!" I said. "Well I want to be with!"

"Armani, listen to me, Donovan is a bad person, he's gotten into a lot of trouble with the a lot people, you don't want to be with a person like that, I promise you!"

"How do you even know about him?" she asked me. I shook my head, "You don't need to know that right now," I said.

She shook her head, "That's not even a good reason, what is your PROBLEM!" she yells. "Armani, do you even know him?"

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