Chapter 7 - Armani

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A/N: I know this chapter took a long time to publish. That's because I had finals and so much going on, but his chapter is hella long, it took me a while. Anyway, I put a picture of Daniel Okafor, Armani's oldest brother up for you guys.

I was speeding at 90 mph when the limit was 40 mph, but it was a deserted area so it didn't matter. I wanted to go faster but Khaleed wouldn't approve of me speeding in his Aventador.

I had to drive all the way from Palo Alto to Oakland, luckily I was driving quickly enough that it only took me half the time to get there, normally it would take an hour or so.

I hated Oakland, it was such a dangerous place, last year Malika's friend, Maria, was shot and killed here, because some nigga thought she owed him drug money. Maria was a good kid, she was only 15 too.

I pulled into an alleyway behind some rundown one-story homes, I took the Revolver, I had taken from Malika's room when I stopped by the house, out of the glove compartment. I made sure it was loaded and I placed it on my belt. I was so nervous, I was shaking, but I knew Malika was here, she always came here, thinking that I didn't know, when she was upset.

I got out of the car, I checked my watch, 3:15 P.M., I started walking towards Malika's cousin's ex-boyfriend's house, Chamarco.

Chamarco was Sierra's, Malika's cousin's, boyfriend in high school. Chamarco was a very bad kid, always skipping class, getting into fights, getting suspended, etcetera. He got Sierra pregnant when she was 14, she was kicked out of her house and he lived with Chamarco, who lived with his best friend Dennis. Shortly after, Sierra gave birth to a baby girl, named Heaven, she was beautiful. Chamarco was a bad father, he was never there to support Sierra and Heaven, he was always dealing with gang-related shit, Dennis ended up mostly being the one to help raise Heaven. When Heaven was three old and Sierra was 17, Dennis had sex with Sierra and got her pregnant, she had a baby boy, named Jaden. Dennis and Sierra never told Chamarco that Jaden was not his child. Ten months later, Chamarco had found out that Jaden was not his son and that he was Dennis' after a member of one of the rival gangs told him that he wasn't Jaden's father. Chamarco secretly took a DNA test and found out it was true, he wasn't Jaden's father. He found out it was Dennis'. After he found out he rushed to Dennis' house, took out a small handgun, and pointed it to Dennis' head. Luckily, Jaden and Heaven were with Dennis' mom in San Fransisco. Even as Dennis pleaded, Chamarco mercilessly shot Dennis in the head. Then, Chamarco went into Dennis' room where Sierra was hiding, he grabbed her by her hair and hit her several times with the gun, repeatedly calling her a hoe, he threatened to kill the both of her children. He kicked her in the stomach and cracked her ribs, then shot her right between her eyes. Chamarco never found Jaden but he shot and killed Heaven, who was five at the time, after seeing her riding her bike to school, he then started having sex with girls, getting them pregnant, and killing the girl after she had the baby. He's currently the father of 19 kids, and he's only 32. Jaden, who is 18 now doesn't know that his biological mother, father, and sister are all dead. He was told his sister ran away. He lives with Malika's parents, because Dennis' mom died after having a heart attack when she found out her only child was dead, he was one and Heaven was four, Malika told me this story, probably just to scare me away in Kindergarten, she didn't really like me. The fucked up thing is, he's never been caught for all this, he's ending so many lives and he hadn't even entered a police station. He covers his tracks so they don't have any evidence to put the crimes on him.

I knocked on the door, I've never met Chamarco, but I've heard he's very dangerous.

The door was opened by a girl who looked about 15 years old, she was wearing a dress that looked way to small on her. Her hair was in two long cornrows. She looked me up and down and rolled her eyes, "Dad, it's one of your hoes again!" she yelled. I was taken back, did this little girl just call me a ho? "Um, I don't appreciate you calling me a ho," she crossed her arms, "And I don't appreciate you coming here to fuck my dad, you're just going to end up being killed anyway, I don't understand why he does it, it's such a horrible thing to do," she looked past me, "He killed my mom when I was four, right in front of my face," she shook her head, "I hate my dad, so much, I've tried so many times to run away, but he always finds me, locks me in my room and doesn't feed me for several weeks," she looks back at me, "If I were you, I would leave while I could." I instantly felt bad for her, I needed to find a way to help these kids, but first I needed to get Malika, "I'm not leaving without my friend Malika," I said firmly. "Okay, I'll show you where she is," she let me inside, and it was a complete mess. Kids running around everywhere, broken things on the ground, dead rats, and the house smelled strongly of weed.

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