Chapter 19 - Marcell

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"Hey, Chanel, what's up?" I say picking her up as she greets me at the door.

"Nothin' much, mommy is yellin' at Christina right now, I think somethin' about some boy...boys are gross..." She says.

"Why is she yellin' at Christina about a boy?"

"She got asked on a date but mommy won't let her go!"

"Where are they?"

"In Stina's room," she says.

I close the door. Janae had already came home before me. I dropped her off at home and then went back to go get Raye's present. I got her an electric pink toy Lamborghini, you know like the ones little kids can ride around in and they think they're actually driving. It seats up to four small people.

Anyway, I walk up the stairs with Chanel in my arms. And once I enter the hallway. I could hear Armani yellin' like nobody's business.

I walk to the end of the hallway, make a left to the other hallway, make a right, then another right. And there Armani wearin' some grey sweats with a fitted t-shirt, you could tell she wasn't wearing a bra. She was nippin'. Her hair was straightened in a bun on top of her head. She was scrubbin', but she was still lookin' cute.

Christina was sittin' in her blue beanbag chair, while Armani was standing in front of her yellin'.

"YOU AIN'T GOIN' ON A DATE WITH ANYBODY!" Armani screamed. "Please?" Christina begged. "If you say please one more time! I will go all African on yo ass! Oooh, you are so LUCKY I ain't feelin' good right now!" Armani says. Christina puts her head in her hands.

"Why is mom actin' so funny? Is she on her period?" Chanel whispers. "I don't know, but do me a favor and chill with Stina, I need to talk to yo moms," I say putting her down.

I walk up to Armani, "Hey baby," I try giving her a kiss but she pulls her head back. "Don't!" she pushes me away. I frown and grab her hand, "Come on, let's talk," Armani doesn't argue she just lets me drag her to the bathroom.

She leans against the wall, crosses her arms, and doesn't look at me. She wast just looking at her feet. "Okay, what's up with you?" I ask her. "Nothin', I'm just really sick," she says bitting the inside of her cheek.

"You forgot that I know you well, huh? What aren't you tellin' me?"

"I'm just havin' some serious mood swings lately, maybe I'm bipolar or-" she stops. She runs to the toilet, opens the lid, pulls up the toilet seat, gets on her knees, and throws up. I walk over to her and rub her back. I knew what she didn't want to tell me, "Or maybe your pregnant."

She continued to puke and I continued to rub her back. She stood up after she was done and flushed the toilet. She went to the sink and started brushing her teeth. I watched her through the mirror. "Are you pregnant?" She rinses the toothpaste out of her mouth and uses some mouthwash. She spits it out. I waited for her to answer, I wasn't going to pressure her.

She rinses her mouth with water and the stands up straight. She puts her hands on the counter top and looks at herself in the mirror. Then she looks at me in the mirror.

She turns around to look at me. She chuckles and smiles, "Yes, I'm pregnant, two months!" I walk up to her and give her a long kiss. "I thought you were just putting on some weight with all the food you've been eatin'!" I gently poke her belly.

"Hey stop it!" she giggles, "I have been meaning to tell you, but there's so much goin' on right now," she says. "Wow, imma be a daddy!" She shakes her head, "You've been a daddy for nine months!"

"I know but this is actually my child! I helped conceive that child in there! If it's a boy imma teach him how to pull the ladies, if it's a girl, imma spoil her, but whatever that little person inside you is, imma protect this baby and you with my life," I kiss her again. "You'll be a good daddy," she smiles. "I'll be the best daddy," I give her another kiss.

"Now, baby, you gots to go apologize to Stina and let her go out on that date, explain to her that it was just yo hormones!" I pull her close to me. "Oh, yeah, I really don't know what got into me, I hope she'll understand," she says removing my hands from around her waist. "I'm going to go on the intercom and tell everyone in this house your my babymama!" I say. She smiles, "Whatever."

I push the intercom button. "Hey everyone! Armani is pregnant! She havin' a baby!"

Someone the other end clicks the button on one of the other intercoms and so hear cheering.

I laugh. Armani is looking down at her phone and frowning, "What's wrong?" I ask.

"It's Malika, something's wrong," she says.

"What? What happened?"

"I don't know but Jewel just texted me saying he needs me to come over to Malika's house ASAP, something is wrong!"

"Okay, well, go apologize to Christina and I'll be waitin' for you in the white Range," I said walking out of the bathroom.

I swear if Malika is pregnant too...I've dealt with enough pregnant people for one day.



Thank you guys for over 100 reads! I really didn't know I would get this many! I'm glad you guys are enjoying this book! I always have trouble comin up with new ideas, so if you guys have any suggestions I'm all up for it! You can comment or message me anytime! If you want to be in my story just comment your name and explain your personality and I'll consider you! It will take a little while for me update future chapters but don't forget about this book! I'm writin another book called Sydnee's Story so be one the look out for that.

But are you guys liking the story so far? So much has been goin on for Armani and her family since her wedding!

I hope you guys continue readin this book! The next few chapters are going to be pretty dramatic so stay tuned!


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