Decorating and Christmas!

Start from the beginning

"Good good," PJ replies, smiling again and going to hug the rest of the group. When he gets to Minty though, he holds his hand out for her to shake instead. "Hey, you must be Minty. I'm PJ, nice to meet you."

"Hello, and nice to meet you too," she replies with a smile, completely disregarding his outstretched hand and pulling him into a hug instead.

You glance at Phil, and find yourself slightly amused at his expression of jealousy. He's not giving PJ a death glare - he's too nice for that - he's just got his eyebrows furrowed a little.

When Minty pulls back from PJ, though, his expression goes back to normal. He puts his arm around her and smiles at her.

"Is Chris coming?" PJ asks no one in particular, frowning slightly.

You nod, leaning your head on Dan's shoulder. "Yeah, he should be here soon!"

Just as you say that, you hear a familiar voice shout "Boo!", and a yelp from Phil. You turn around to see Chris laughing, and Phil looking perplexed.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack!" he says, punching Chris lightly on the shoulder.

Chris sticks his tongue out in response and chuckles. He spots the rest of you and grins, hugging you all.

"Shall we go inside?" Phil says afterwards, slipping his hand into Minty's.

"No, let's just stand here, outside, in the cold. Sounds like a great idea," Chris says sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Get out," PJ says, laughing.

"But I am out, Peej. Everyone knows I'm gay for you," he replies with a completely straight face, adding an over exaggerated wink at the end of his sentence, which makes Dan snort.

"Oh Jesus, Chris," Dan says, chuckling. "I missed your sense of humour, I must admit."

"Thanks mate," Chris replies, giving him a small smile. "Right, let's go, yeah?"

You all agree and walk into the restaurant, Dan at the front of the group, and Phil and Minty behind.

"Hello, how may I help you?" a waiter asks politely, putting a pen in the pocket of his apron.

"Table for six, please," Dan says to him.

"Do you have a booking?" the waiter asks again.

"Afraid not."

"Ah, alright. Follow me, please," the waiter says, leading you all to a large booth. "Here you go."

"Thank you," PJ says quietly, giving the waiter a reserved smile.

You and Dan sit next to each other on one side of the table, and Chris and PJ sit beside each other on the other side. Just to be awkward, Phil and Minty squish themselves next to Chris and PJ.

"What are you getting?" you ask Dan, after studying the menu.

"Pasta carbonara," he replies instantly. You notice that he hasn't even looked at the menu.

"Do you come here often?" you ask curiously.

"Not really, but Phil and I have been here a few times before," he says, looking up from his phone and giving you a small smile. He holds your hand under the table.

"Sooooo, tell us how you guys met!" Chris exclaims excitedly, leaning his head on his hand and grinning cheesily at you both.

"F*** off," Dan mutters, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, I bet it was really romantic," PJ chimes in (with a haven't you people ever heard of... I'll escort myself out). "They would have been in a five star hotel, and had rose petals on the bed, and drunk champagne, and Dan would've given Y/n a really expensive piece of jewellery and said 'will you be the Kim to my Kanye' and then she said yes!"

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