Did You Know I Hate Bullying?

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So this morning I wake up, trying out my new iPhone 6 and as I'm scrolling through Instagram, I find a post that's highlighting someone else's profile.

Normally in this case it would be someone giving a shoutout to someone else and requesting their followers to follow them.

That's how it's usually done, right? My apologies, I'm still new to Instagram :P

Anyways, so I check out the post and instead of that ^ ... It's something else entirely.

The person who made the post was asking her followers to block and/or report the user on the picture because they were bullying a dear friend of hers.

The person who is being bullied by the bully, is called Speedy.

To some people, she's been called the "leader of the Transformers fandom".

I know why:
1. She's insanely good at drawing (she actually draws for IDW publishing!)
2. She's also quite funny (she also has a YouTube channel and it has some TFP videos on it. You GOTTA see them!)
3. Probably the most important point of all... She reaches out to the other fans in the fandom.

Like for real, she is always there for a fellow fan if they feel down in the dumps. She is so kind to us, and she's there to comfort those when they really need it.

That's what I love most about Speedy! :3

I guess I can't say who is bullying her on Instagram because of Wattpad's bullying policy now can I?

But none of the less, bullying is stupid and immature, and I hope whoever is bullying Speedy realized who immature they're being and just... Stops.

You were always there to put a smile on my face Speedy. This time, I would like to return the favour. :) 

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