Some Principals Are Just So... UGH!

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So yesterday during choir rehearsal, my music teacher was telling us this story that went down during his earlier years in teaching at the school.

So in his old band class, he had this girl in his course who had a rare heart condition, so every once in a while she would have to take medication, and she would occasionally get a little sick every now and again.

But one day she was looking really, really pale, so he got her to step out of the class room and lay down on the floor of the hallway to help her, idk try to relax or something, and he got one of this other students to go get the Vice-Principal.

So after a few minutes, the Vice-Principal finally shows up to the hallway. She looks down at the pale girl, who's probably dying for all we know, and she simply says, "The top should be pulled down." and walks way.

... I'm sorry, what?

She was more concerned that the girl's belly was showing MORE than the fact that ONE OF HER STUDENTS COULD BE DYING?!

What the flip?!

And my teacher didn't do anything to correct her as she left because he was so dumbstruck by the VP's behaviour. 

Thankfully the student got better.

But still, it really bugs me when Prinipals OR Teachers act this way towards their students.

I have a little message for that VP...

Get your priorities straight woman!


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